Casual Guild Forums

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: emi on August 15, 2008, 04:11:49 AM

Title: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: emi on August 15, 2008, 04:11:49 AM
I could tell something was up when I had some time outs during the trash pulls coming up. I waited for about 10 minuts after DCing before figuring I was no use at that point anyway and went to lie awake in bed.

I hope you repped me quickly : S

What can I do to make it up to ya?
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: Goldspam on August 15, 2008, 09:45:50 AM
Cookies. And lots of them.
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: Bag on August 15, 2008, 09:49:36 AM
we faield give us 9000g plz
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: Himeko on August 16, 2008, 01:23:25 AM
we faield give us 9000g plz

That's our story and we're sticking to it.
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: Kval on August 19, 2008, 09:06:19 PM
You can take it out of the guild bank respec fund.
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: emi on August 20, 2008, 02:32:02 AM
You can take it out of the guild bank respec fund.
bah, they didn't fail, that's baggles being a goof. But I will make cookies. Some day, if ever we have a meet up when we're in the states, I will bake cookies, YOU HAVE MY WORD.
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: Burg on August 20, 2008, 09:19:11 AM
so this thread has gone more than 1 reply and no one said tits?
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: emi on August 20, 2008, 10:10:55 AM
so this thread has gone more than 1 reply and no one said tits?

Nobody wants to see my tits. I mean, why, when you can just type "tits" in google and see much better ones.
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: Kval on August 20, 2008, 11:50:44 AM
You can take it out of the guild bank respec fund.
bah, they didn't fail, that's baggles being a goof. But I will make cookies. Some day, if ever we have a meet up when we're in the states, I will bake cookies, YOU HAVE MY WORD.

Naw, I know they didn't fail.  I was just pointing out that they owe you money, not the other way around.

Burg, I will beat you up.
Title: Re: Sorry bout DC : (
Post by: Burg on August 20, 2008, 12:48:39 PM
It's not the pair of tits in question, merely the principle.  We need to be consistant.