Casual Guild Forums

General Category => Applicant Forum => Applicant Hall of Shame => Topic started by: Videl on September 04, 2008, 07:44:31 PM

Title: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Videl on September 04, 2008, 07:44:31 PM
Forum Account Name: SkyFlower

Name: SkyFlówer

Class: I'm a restoration shaman.

Professions: I'm a jewel crafter and a miner.

RL Sex: I'm a Female and I'm 18, I am a good, responsible and mature player. I'm a white American girl with Italian, Irish, Scottish, Native American Indian, and German in me. lol  Grin
(Girls stop here.)

Summary of Talent Spec: 00/05/56. This will be my main spec for raiding as well. Unless you want me to change it to something more helpful to the raid.

My talent build is 00/05/56 restoration shaman and I am 6/8 T6 and I have BT and Hyjal gear. I have epic healing, spell haste, and MP5 gems in all sockets. I have 5 points in Enhancement for mana increase and I have all points in the restoration field capped except I left Nature's Guidance and Focused Mind blank and 1/5 Totemic Focus. I left Nature's Guidance blank because it doesn't have anything to really do with healing or casting spells and more for melee, and since I'm restoration there is really no time or point where I am going to be doing melee attacks on a boss or mobs. I left Focused Mind blank so I could cap off Nautre's Guardian which increases my health when at 30% or lower and also lowers my threat which I found a lot more useful then Focused Minds affects which are to shorten the times of silences or other effects.

Amory Profile Link:

Timezone: Eastern time, I live in Florida, and I'm 3 hours ahead of the server.

Playtime: I play almost all day everyday. I'm usually almost always online, lately I've just been online at night because I've been playing Twilight Princess and getting ready for my black belt testing. Plus I don't have anyone to play with on this server, I don't know anybody so if I'm not raiding there isn't anything else I can really do anyways lol.

-We raid Sunday through Thursday from 6pm - 10pm (PST) how many days can you attend consistently?: I'm able to make everyday and every single raid, I'm very dedicated and passionate about raiding. If I was going to miss a raid or be late I will notify the guild days ahead of time. The only day I may miss is Monday night raids for the next 3 weeks as I am getting ready to start school and also getting ready for my Tae Kwon Do black belt testing which is on September 20th. The raid days and times are perfectly ideal for me, since I have Tae Kwon Do at 4:00pm server time which is 7:00pm my time and I get home around 5:00pm - 5:30pm - 6:00pm server time which is 8:00pm - 8:30pm - 9:00pm my time. 6:00pm server time is the latest time I'll be home. On progression nights if I have to stay longer then scheduled I do not mind. I don't mind doing other raids for fun as well such as Pre Burning Crusade raids like AQ20, AQ40 and Naxxramas and Molten Core. I still enjoy and miss those, if we raid progression raiding like Sunwell longer than scheduled I do not mind staying longer.

Guild history on any server, include time in each guild (this will be verified):

Previous guilds I was in and reasons why I departed with my previous guilds are when I raided with my warrior before Burning Crusade came out to be perfectly honest I actually don't even remember why I left Blood Monkeys, it was so long ago, I definitely know it wasn't because of anything bad of any sort, and Friends With Benefits was a fun raiding guild and I left their guild because they moved to a different server when Burning Crusade came out. For my shaman, she left Order Of The Claw because they weren't really a end raiding guild, and I really wanted to raid with her, she's my main and I love playing as a restoration shaman. I left Unity because I really wanted to raid and they were only doing Karazhan and didn't really have anything scheduled and I needed scheduled raids due to school and Tae Kwon Do and back then I was also working at my Tae Kwon Do School as well so I didn't get home till around 5-6 server time. I left grok after a long time raiding with them and it was because they started their raids to late and after a while I couldn't handle it, because I'd wake up at 6am for School, and come home from work and Tae Kwon Do at 9:00pm which was 6:00pm server time. Plus I got frustrated with the looting system because there was no dkp system and we were only doing Gruul's Lair, Mags and Karazhan and occasionally ZA. It was mainly because I was burnt out with school and work and because raids started so late I was getting like 5-4 hours of sleep each day. Just for the record I left all my guilds in a good note, never just quiting the guild without so much as a goodbye. I became friends with all of them, I still talk and play with my old guildies and friends from all the guilds I was in prior. I'm a very friendly and hard working person, I work hard to improve, hate making mistakes and am eager to fix them. I left Anomaly because of raid time issues, they raided to early for me and it was conflicting with my Tae Kwon Do classes and a lot of times I had to rush home from class just to make invites and skipped my sparring classes and dinner sometimes and was beginning to get to be to much and also drama was starting in the guild as we were running Black Temple and slow progression. I spent a whole year with them. They are nice people, I told them my situation and they were understanding about it. I then joined Get Along Gang but I wasn't very happy with them and it is the reason why I server transferred. The name Get Along Gang should symbolize a group of people getting along with one another and having fun, enjoying the raids they are doing together and working hard as a team to accomplish the challenges and obstacles in their way. But to me it feels as if a lot of the members in the guild are the opposite of that description. The reasons why I was unhappy is because they talk about things about one another behind their backs and especially mine, and I don't appreciate it, and it is very hurtful to me. I am a sensitive person, and we should all remember and realize there are people behind these characters and computer screens with emotions and feelings. I've told my guild leader what some things were being said about me, I even had people harassing me on level 1 alts and it was beginning to become a little to much for me and the joy and spirit I once had for the game and raiding had lately been slowly slipping away. I'd be standing outside the Sunwell entrance during raid invites in hopes to get invited to a raid. I've waited for over 2 months...Lately I stopped even trying because I knew I'm not gonna get to go. I want to prove and push myself and I want to raid Sunwell as much as anybody, my heart is into raiding, and I can't handle raiding only 1 day a week in a Black Temple farm run. I want more, and I want to be apart of something special. I've tried talking about this constantly. They blame others for mistakes during raids even if its not their fault. And instead of just trying to fix the problem and getting back out there to make another attempt they will just yell at one another on vent. I don't like being yelled at and being disrespected in front of the whole raid. Its hurtful and not right. I can understand if you make a mistake, but you don't need to make someone feel completely awful about it. There has been times where I cried during a raid and there is times where I didn't even want to show up to raid anymore. And that is a very bad thought, since its a game and we should have fun on it, and enjoy playing it. Out of all the guilds I've been in Pre Burning Crusade and during Burning Crusade I've never encountered a problem such as this before. I've always been on the server ShadowSong for years. Since World Of WarCraft came out. I'm hoping to find a great and skilled guild, who know their stuff, and are great and awesome players and people to be around. I've heard what a great guild you guys are...and how nice and helpful everyone is. And I really like and respect that idea, raiding is about having fun, and working as a team, it is a learning experience and we should work together to accomplish what not many can. I got very interested in the idea, and the guild itself, sounds very good and sounds like the kinda guild I'd like to be in, and raid with. All the guilds I've mentioned were on the ShadowSong PVE server. I was in Blood Monkeys for a couple of months before leaving and Friends With Benefits for approximately a year or a little more than that, Order Of The Claw was probably 2-3 months, Unity was a couple of months maybe 3-4, then Grok was about 6-7 months and then Anomaly was a year. Then Get Along Gang was maybe 2-3 months. When I first came to the Hyjal server I first tried out with Lethality because one of my friends who also server changed from my server transferred here from Get Along Gang to join them and he said they were a good guild, at the time I had not heard of Casual. I raided with them for about 2-3 weeks and I had moments where I did enjoy it and other times where I didn't really feel comfortable or as if I really didn't belonged there. They were nice and good people though. There were some things I wasn't really happy with during the raids. Because I mean I'd like to make friends with my fellow guild members and talk with them and play with them and they weren't really the type I could get close with or didn't give me a chance to get close to them because I was an Applicant, I really don't know. So I heard about Casual and especially when I tried to get Pre Burning Crusade weekend runs going which is almost successful and I chatted with some Casual members and they were really nice to my surprise and then I found out you guys are also a high end raiding Sunwell guild. So that is when I started thinking about applying. I like how you guys are friendly and are still interested in the same things I am and are good raiders.

Raid Experience: (What is the farthest you've been in WoW?) Well earlier I mentioned I raided with my warrior before Burning Crusade came out, I've raided ZG, MC, BWL, AQ20, AQ40, Onyxia, UBRS, LBRS, and Naxxramas. I also did some outdoor boss raids as well such as the dragons of nightmare like Lethon, Emeriss and Azuregos. For my shaman she's attuned to all old land end raiding zones such as MC, BWL, Onyxia, and Naxxramas. I've raided with my shaman for Gruul's Lair, Mags, Karazhan, SSC, TK, Mount Hyjal, and ZA, Black Temple and also I've done Doom Walker and Doom Lord Kazzak. And also when I mentioned the raids I've done, before Burning Crusade it was a full ZG, AQ20, AQ40 clear, Onyxia Clear, MC full clear, BWL we only got halfway through, and same for Naxxramas. And for Burning Crusade raids I've cleared TK, SSC, Mags, Gruul's Lair, Karazhan, Mount Hyjal, ZA and also Black Temple I've cleared. My Sunwell raiding experience is very small and limited. I've done Kalecgos twice, Brutallus once, Felmyst Once, Eredar Twins once and I've never done Muru and I've done Kil'Jaeden two or three times.

I was Attuned to Black Temple and Mount Hyjal before the 2.4 patch came out. I am Attuned and keyed to everything. I even have the Arcatraz and Shattered Halls key, along with old land keys like the Scarlet key, Key To The City for Stratholme, and the Skeleton Key for Scholomance. And also the Shadow Labyrinth key, ShadowForge key and the Prison Cell key.

I've completed every instance on heroic mode. I completed both the Black Temple attunement quest and the Mount Hyjal attunement quest. I've also completed the trials of the naaru quests. I am also revered and exalted with most factions in the game and especially in OutLand.

I've been playing World Of WarCraft since it first came out and I've been end raiding for about 2 years. And I've been playing on my shaman since the first day Burning Crusade came out and been raiding with her for about a year maybe a little more than that. My only high level alt I have is my warrior she is level 62. The rest of my alts are low levels in their 20's and 30's. Never really thought of what I planned to do with them. I'll get my warrior to 70 when I have time and maybe do the same for the other alts as well. I'm a transfer from ShadowSong, I do not mind respeccing if asked to do so but I prefer to be a healer because I think I'm really good at it and personally think I'm better at it then DPS and will be more helpful to the raid as a healer. Plus I find being a healer a lot more fun and a lot of work. I started out as a elemental shaman so I have Karazhan DPS gear in my bank. But if you wanted me to respec I'd give it a try. I usually am playing almost everyday and you can almost always find me online. I'm on pretty much all the time, almost all day. If I was asked to step out for another player I do not mind. I'm not much of a PVPer, I'm more into questing and mount and vanity pet collecting...I like getting exalted with I don't have any arena teams.

I have a epic flying mount and epic riding mount. I do not have much leadership experience, I've never led a raid before. But I am willing to try. My ambitions are to see everything World Of WarCraft has to offer. I want to be apart of something big and special, and I want to be able to say yes, I did do that. I am very good at team work, I always listen to instructions and work hard for my guild and make sure that we succeed. I am a responsible and reliable player. Flasks, foods and oils I bring and prepare for raids are flasks of mighty restoration, golden fish sticks and blackened sporefish. And I'll occasionally use mageblood if I run out of my mighty restoration flask. I usually leave my character prepared and ready outside of the entrance to whatever raid we will be doing before I leave for Tae Kwon Do just in case I get home late for whatever reason.

I have a Bell South DSL modem and a Windows XP Gate Way computer and the mods I am using are Deadly Boss Mods, Omen, Grid, ORA2, Decursive, CT Raid Assist, Quest Guru and Quest Helper, Q Comments, Atlas and Atlas Loot Enchanced and Clique.

MMORPG Game History: I think World Of Warcraft is my first and only online game I've ever played. But I've been playing for about 3 years straight now and enjoy it, especially since its a real challenge at some points. Now I may not have a lot of online gaming experience with other online games but I've got a ton of experience with other games and from several different game systems. My first game system was Sega Genesis which I got for Christmas when I was 3 years old. My very first video games was Sonic the hedgehog 2 and Streets of rage 2. When I first played them I was hooked and its all downhill from there. I ended up buying and playing all Sonic and Streets of rage games for Sega Genesis, then when Nintendo 64 came out I bought that and got totally hooked on The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time. That game is a classic and is probably my favorite out of all the Zelda games although Twilight Princess is quite tied up there with Ocarina Of Time since its also an amazingly well done game. I had played and have a variety of Nintendo 64 games. Mario Bros games for Nes and Nintendo 64 I've played and loved. Most of the Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis games I still have and play since when the game systems were going out of business I stocked up on controllers and bought the games cheap before they were unavailable to get or very hard to find. Then Sega Dream Cast, Gamecube and Nintendo Wii came out and I have those too. I have all the new Sonic games for Dream Cast and Gamecube and The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess for Gamecube and the Wii. I also  have The Legend Of Zelda Wind Waker for Gamecube. I love DBZ so I also have Budokai Tenkaichi 3 for the Wii. I just love video games plain and simple and have been playing them all none stop since I was a kid lol. I got all these game systems hooked up to my Television in my room and my Boyfriend had to help me hook them all up cause I have so many, I actually have two Sega Genesis systems in case my original ever dies on me. It's lasted me so many years though as I take damn good care of my stuff lol. Nowadays I've started playing the roms for Nintendo games and Sega games on the computer and have a ton of fun playing around with game genie codes and game shark codes. Hacking Ocarina Of Time and Majora's Mask are probably the most fun for me. And also getting the Beta versions of all these old games as well which is really hard to find for some and took me forever. For World Of WarCraft I've made my own private server and I have GM powers and its fun to play because there is so many secret places to go to and so many display ID's for NPC's and Yourself to go through and look at. You can make NPC's follow you to which is sorta cool, its like having a pet. It gets sorta boring after a while though since its not a live server so I am playing by myself on it.

Unbuffed resists (arcane/fire/frost/nature/shadow):

Resistances (in resistance sets) -
Fire : 32
Nature : 17
Frost : 26
Shadow : 289
Arcane : 53

Thats my shadow resistance unbuffed, but if I take a potion and receive the priest shadow resist buff I am capped. I never had the crafted epic shadow resist gear made for me so I wear greens.

Casual member references: I don't know anybody in Casual unfortunately.

-In other words, what Casual members do you know? Why would they recommend you?: I don't know any members but I'd like to think if I did they would recommend me for being a good player and person.

Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Videl on September 04, 2008, 07:44:48 PM

-If you could fight any historical figure, who would it be and why? I actually can't think of anyone lol. If it were mythical I'd choose Ganondorf or Illidan Storm Rage.

-Are you willing to legally change your last name to "McDuck" in order to join Casual? No, because I have self respect lol. If you guys like me as a player and person then I think I'll be just fine. If you don't want me then I can try again else where.

-Big Lebowski or Caddyshack? I don't know who either of those people

-If you could be any mythical creature, who would it be and why? I'd like to be a Mermaid or a Mythical Goddess of the water or of the Ocean. Because I love the Ocean and being in the water. I've been jumping into the water since I was a toddler since we live in the Country and have a lot of land and privacy in the woods and we have our own pool, I'd always be swimming. And I love the Ocean and all the natural sea life in it. When I was younger I used to want to be a Marine Biologist and used to love going to this one beach that has a Sea Turtle Facility for injured sea turtles. I love snorkeling and have been doing it since I was about 4 years old. I want to get a license to scuba dive. I used to always go far out and dive and find things like sea urchins and star fish, I've swam with barracuda's before and I once found a water proof watch in the sand and a ear ring. Even a 10 dollar bill once. You'd be surprised whats around the coral reef's the marine life is absolutely gorgeous and I must have boxes of sea shells and corals in my garage lol. I was a junior life guard for 3 years when I was in Middle School. I used to always swim to far out almost to where the buoys are lol and my mom used to freak out all the time because I was like ten years old lol. I just plain out love the ocean it is a part of me and in my heart. I even have dreams about it a lot and quite frequently. Sometimes when I'm snorkeling I wish I didn't have to come up for air because I love being down deep so much. I just wish I can stay down there longer. So I think that one Mythical creature suits my personality and spirit quite well, especially since I absolutely love sea food. Squid, Octopus and Mussel's are my favorite. One time on New Years Eve we had a sea food dinner and one of the Mussel's I was eating had a small pearl in it. At first I thought it was part of the shell and when I looked at it, it was a pearl I was like wow lol. What are the odd's of that happening.

-Describe the shape and curvature of your penis. (Females, please describe meat curtains.) Note that this is to satisfy scientific curiosity and will not in any way be divulged to the public or held against you. Much. Use your imaginations lol.

Mandatory questions:

-With server transfers available, there are many, many choices of raid guilds available to you. Why Casual?

What appeals to me about Casual is that you guys seem like a good hard core group of raiders who know their stuff well and work hard as a team and are friendly. My goal is to see all that World Of WarCraft has to offer and all the hard material that most players don't get to see. I'd like to be apart of something big and amazing. I want to raid the hardest material there is to offer in this game. I think my most amazing moment when I raided during Burning Crusade was when we first downed Kael'Thalas and Lady Vashj. Because we worked so hard and it took so long. It was a good feeling and we were all pumped. I like to experience things like that and would love to experience that same feeling in Sunwell. What mainly turns me on is how nice and helpful everyone in the guild sounds. And just the sound and feel of it, it feels like the type of guild I'd like to join and be apart of.

-Name your top five favorite Songs: I like all kinds of music, I like rock and techno/dance music the most. Lets see I don't really think I have a favorite but I like Let the bodies hit the floor by Drowning Pool, all songs on the cd Trance port by Paul Oakenfold (techno/dance), Disturbed - inside the fire and land of confusion and also perfect insanity. Stained - mud shovel, tiesto and super 8 plus dj tab's song called helsinki scorchin (techno/dance). I love Linkin Park and all their songs there is not one I don't like.

-Name your top five favorite Movies: Transformers lol and Clover Field, Iron Man, Jurassic Park part 1 and 2 only lol, yes I am a dinosaur fan, I used to love reading about them and stuff when I was younger and I also wanted to be a paleontologist or an archeologist, ancient earth, ancient civilizations fascinate me so much. Apocalypto is a good movie and so is the incredible hulk the new one that just came out in theaters. I like a lot of those end of the world kinda movies lol. I like all kinds of movies so its sorta hard to think of favorites.

-What is your life like outside of WoW?

Well since I may possibly have the pleasure of getting to know and raiding with the guild and its members I figure I should introduce myself a little and tell everyone a little about myself. Well my name is Adriana and I'm 18 years old, and I am happy I just graduated from High School, I'm going to college in October to become a Dental Hygienist or an Assistant. I do Tae Kwon Do and I just got my black belt 3 months ago and I am very happy and excited. I enjoy going to the beach and snorkeling, hanging out with friends. I live in Florida. I enjoy basically anything really, I love trying new things, going anywhere fun, I'm very into the Environment, and I love playing video games as you can see lol.  Grin I'm a World Of Warcraft Lorest, and I enjoy raiding, getting pets, and mounts, and reputation more than anything else in the game lol. Smiley I love keeping myself fit and learning fighting techniques, Not only is it fun good exercise, but its good to learn as self defense as well. For a while I was teaching toddlers ages 4 and up Tae Kwon Do as well. I'm a very hard worker, and I am a very nice helping person, I like a challenge, I'm a good listener, I'm willing to do anything for the good of the guild, I can admit my mistakes and better myself for me and for the guild as well. I can take responsibility for challenges in raids or anything in general and I'm serious and mature yet I can have fun and laugh and be playful at the same time. I like to have fun and make friends, make people laugh and enjoy my company. I'm a very caring and thoughtful person, passionate and determined and will always be there to help out the best I can with anything. I'm an experienced and hard working player, I've been playing for about 2-3 years now. I am very reliable, I almost never miss one raid, you can ask any of my previous guildies. I am very dedicated, and I love raiding, I work hard and continuously try to make myself better for the guild and myself. I always put in my 100% for anything especially raiding and I can assure you will not regret or be disappointed in inviting me into your guild. I'm a real health fanatic, I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I work hard to stay healthy and in shape and try to live a long, happy and successful life.  Smiley  Grin

-Name 3 WoW related sites and discuss how they are useful tools for bettering your raiding ability: Boss killers and Raid Guru are two very good web sites for World Of Warcraft that helped me learn boss fights I've never attempted as of yet or am still learning, they support good walk throughs and easy to understand explanations and describe each bosses phase and attacks that they do. Raid guru even has video's which I find helpful and easier to understand and learn as I am a visionary learner. Elitist Jerks is another good site where I've read up on being a good healer and a good shaman healer. They explain each spell and what they do and what are the best options and gear choices, spec, totem's for certain trash or bosses, and spells you should make and do. Ferox Teron Gorefiend Simulator is a good site I am sure you know of, where you can do a simulator to learn how to kill your constructs quickly before any get into the raid and when I was learning this fight it really helped me a lot. Another good site is Team Excello for reading up on the Kil'Jaeden boss fight encounter. Since he is a difficult fight and not very well known, Raid Guru and Boss Killers still do not have a valid walk through and explanation for this boss. This site gives and excellent step by step through each phase on where to go what to do, support a video and pictures. They explain his attacks and what attacks he does during each phase. Which I found extremely helpful. Other good sites for World Of WarCraft not necessarily for raiding but for questing and if your a mount and pet collector like me would be Thotbot, Wowhead, Wow Wiki, and WarCraft Pets. For mods good sites I use are Wow Interface and Curse Gaming.

-Do you have a microphone? If not, is it because you are cheap or shy? Yes, I have Ventrilo and a headset and I have a mic as well so I can speak.

-Can your computer run Ventrilo? (Note: we are not changing our codecs to suit your Mac lifestyle.) Yes, My computer can run Ventrilo and I have it already installed.

-Are you a keyboard turner? No.

-Are you a clicker? No.

-What is your greatness weakness as a WoW player? How are you trying to improve this aspect of your play? I will be honest with you I do have a small learning disability and I do feel it affects my game play and you have no idea how frustrating it is and makes me. It affects everything in my real life too and makes it a lot more difficult for me. I am a visionary learner and sometimes I am a little bit more slow at learning things than the average person but I am not super slow, for example for some people it may take them like one time to get something, for me it may take two or three. Because of this reason I work extra hard and ask questions and try my best, I want to prove myself and prove I am capable of doing Sunwell and any other end raid and Lich King's end raids because I'm pretty sure Lich King's raids are going to be even more intense. I hate this fact that I do have a problem it affects me in school, Tae Kwon Do and even the game...I want to prove I am capable of doing anything my heart desires..and that I can be just as good as anybody else.

-What is your your greatest strength as a WoW player? My dedication, heart and will power. I have a lot of heart for raiding, and am very dedicated, I always put in my 100% attendance and 100% during the raid itself. I have a strong heart and I really care about my guild, the raid and the people I am raiding with, and I'm helpful. I work extremely hard, I try to learn fast and try to do the best I possibly can. I almost never miss a raid, and I stay for the whole duration even if its 2:00am where I live and I'm tired. I think the strongest and greatest strength I have is how much I care and dedicate myself to raiding and the guild I am in.

Choose 4 of the following (you will not be given extra points for answering more questions than the minimum):

-If you were to respec, which build would you choose? Why? If I had to respec I'd choose to respec to elemental because I have a full set of elemental gear in my bank and I leveled to 70 and raided very briefly as that class spec so I'd choose it because I have experience as that spec and know a little bit of how to raid as elemental. I've never played as enhancement and don't have any gear so I don't think I'd do very well as that spec.

-If you had to join another guild on this server, which one would it be? Why? Probably Kriegsherren because they are also in Sunwell I think but not as progressed as Casual is and seem like nice people, I want to join a good guild who raid well and are friendly and fun and are on mainly Sunwell progression and BT/Hyjal as well.

-What do you see as the current strengths of your particular class/spec in a raid setting? Well my chain heal ability I think is a great strength for a raid and especially in Sunwell where raid healing is very important due to the damage being taken.

-What do you see as the current weaknesses of your particular class/spec in a raid setting? My chain heal ability's cast is slow because I don't got a lot of spell haste as of yet.

-How do you prepare for new raid content that you've never experienced? I read up about it on Raid Guru and Boss Killers and I watch a bunch of videos on You Tube and on the websites I listed if they have them and I also ask people I know who have done the content about it and what to expect and such.

-What is your least favorite part of high end guilds? How stressful it can be at times and how nervous I get when I do a boss I've never attempted before. It also depends on the guild and raiding atmosphere as well, it depends on if the guild is very strict and if they will yell at you constantly and be hostile on vent to everyone. That is stressful and not much fun. Sometimes the long hours on new progression and getting no where is frustrating too but I stick to it, and how long raids are sometimes is hard on me to if I have to eat dinner at the table or if I wanted to do something else or stay at Tae Kwon Do longer to do sparring classes.

Choose 3 of the following:

-If you were an attention whore, what kind of attention whore would you be? I'm not one but I guess I'd choose the one where I can get people to do Pre Burning Crusade stuff with me and maybe someone to help me farm for my Death Charger mount again since I don't have any friends on this server and I can't solo it lol.

-If you could take the form of any water-related object, what would it be and why? I'd like to take the form of either a dolphin, or a whale or a mermaid if mythical creatures count too. I'd choose a dolphin or a whale because I think they are both beautiful and mysterious animals, and they are very powerful, intelligent, and kind hearted. They know how to communicate with social groups, swim fast and can dive deep and hold their breath for long periods of time. I'd choose a mermaid because I can breath under the water and have mysterious powers with the ocean as well. And be able to communicate with the creatures of the sea. I'd also be able to go on land even if its limited until I change back into my regular form.

-In the event of a zombie invasion, where would you choose to take shelter and what is your weapon of choice to defend yourself? I'd choose a high place maybe like in New York a several story high building  and put a bunch of metal hurricane like shutters over all the windows and doors and everything and lock them up and have wood boarded underneath those in case they somehow break it and I'd like to have as many guns and weapons to defend myself against them as possible, and would like to also have a sword. That stuff literally scares the hell out of me though I'd rather not be in that situation period, if I was I'd like to stay as far away as humanly possible.

-If an ancient Sumerian deity was about to destroy the world, and you could choose the form they appeared as, what would you pick? I'd either choose the form they appeared as and then when I had my chance to start killing off the leaders or if I find out how to defeat them I'd go for it and try to destroy them. Or I could try to find some other forms of power to fight back against them without looking and appearing like them.

-You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that? It sounds like I'm a mean and heartless person lol if I did something like that. I'm an animal lover and I have a cat, a dog and a fish of my own so I care a lot about nature and animals and I wouldn't do that to an animal. And I love turtles. The only logical explanation I can make for a person doing that or if I had to do that was if I was lost in the desert and needed food and had nothing and hadn't eaten in days. As you can eat turtle meat. But honestly I don't think I'd have the heart to do that, I get upset watching lobsters boil to their deaths in the hot water in a pot.

Finally - Provide  a WWS report of your performance in at least 2 raids. If you don't have a current DPS parse then tell us how badly you beat the other members of your class on the meters. I unfortunately do not have any WWS at this time.

If I am not on Hyjal and you want to contact me you can send me a E-mail at or go to my World Of WarCraft myspace I made for my World Of WarCraft friends in case I was to ever quit playing or server changed which is found at You can also just send me a private message on your website and I'll check it everyday to look for a response. Thank you for allowing me to send in an application, and thank you also for taking the time to read it, lol Grin I know I probably wrote way to much lol since I like to write also, sorry if it was way to long for you. lol  Smiley  Grin  Tongue
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Videl on September 04, 2008, 07:45:08 PM
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Varesh on September 04, 2008, 08:18:16 PM
Holy fuck... reading War and Peace was less daunting.

1) She apparently can't follow directions, because she missed the (Girls stop here) part, along with answering all the questions when she was asked to only answer three.

2) A 0/5/56 build is probably the worst of the three cookie cutter Resto Shaman builds.  If you're gonna go 56 points into resto, you really might as well throw the last five points in there and get something more viable than 5% increased mana pool.

3) This is also like the third Resto app I've seen with the Ribbon of Sacrifice.  I can understand having it in Karazhan... but by the time you're ready for Sunwell, there's no reason to not have something better.  It just isn't really well budgeted for Shamans at all.

4) Her professions aren't leveled terribly far; either she changed them recently or she really isn't dedicated to maximizing what she can provide.  If we take her on, it might be a good idea to have her start over with two different ones, since we have plenty of Jewelcrafters from what I can tell.  Hell, if she goes Alchemy, there's her answer to replace that Ribbon of Sacrifice.

With all that said... the Shaman Curse claimed Seges and Pistin (to some extent)... but I'm not sure this lady will be what we're all looking for.  It would really depend on how willing she is to accept critiques, suggestions, and to apply them.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Deepz on September 04, 2008, 08:20:59 PM
She sucks according to my Lethality sources.  I've seen their parses, and she gets stomped on healing. Oh yeah, and she was kicked from Leth.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Goldspam on September 04, 2008, 08:52:58 PM
Are you shitting me?
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Tripleseven on September 04, 2008, 09:08:33 PM
wow bitches talk alot hey.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: aquasheep on September 04, 2008, 09:16:11 PM
A++++ would read again.

-Are you a keyboard turner? No.

-Are you a clicker? No.

This was the best and most informative part of the app.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Burg on September 04, 2008, 09:39:44 PM
Big Lebowski or Caddyshack? I don't know who either of those people

Sweet fucking Christ.

Also I don't know who was being nice and friendly (going to guess Lind), but I'm pretty sure she'd be in for a rude awakening her first fuck up in Sunwell.  Guessing that wouldnt take long if you sucked enough to get kicked from Lethality.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Burg on September 04, 2008, 09:44:19 PM
Also that thing is so motherfucking long, it kind of deserves its own place in the app info area.  Maybe not hall of shame persay, even though it was all kinds of wrong.  I think it deserves its own lofty pedestal, maybe the anti-template?
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: fireatwill on September 04, 2008, 09:45:43 PM
i say we approve her just for laughs. i want to witness stent explode on her when she fucks up
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Goldspam on September 04, 2008, 09:51:38 PM
got very interested in the idea, and the guild itself, sounds very good and sounds like the kinda guild I'd like to be in, and raid with. All the guilds I've mentioned were on the ShadowSong PVE server. I was in Blood Monkeys for a couple of months before leaving and Friends With Benefits for approximately a year or a little more than that, Order Of The Claw was probably 2-3 months, Unity was a couple of months maybe 3-4, then Grok was about 6-7 months and then Anomaly was a year. Then Get Along Gang was maybe 2-3 months.

I'm sure you all couldve guessed this on your own, but all those guilds were terrible back in the day on Shadowsong.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Gadz on September 04, 2008, 09:54:48 PM
I can't even finish it.  I want to choke her already, but I agree with Burg.  This needs some kind of reward for how to not fill out an app.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: monmoth on September 04, 2008, 10:14:02 PM
We don't take lethalitys trash
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Deepz on September 04, 2008, 10:48:03 PM
Deny based on her myspace alone.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Basic on September 05, 2008, 01:25:27 AM
im fuckin tweakin out from reading all this, girls on some bullshit
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Viodia on September 05, 2008, 03:18:43 AM
No. No. No. No. No.
God damn I just read that whole thing. This stuck out in my mind:

I am a sensitive person, and we should all remember and realize there are people behind these characters and computer screens with emotions and feelings.

Soooo… won’t make it here. 

I don't like being yelled at and being disrespected in front of the whole raid. Its hurtful and not right. I can understand if you make a mistake, but you don't need to make someone feel completely awful about it. There has been times where I cried during a raid and there is times where I didn't even want to show up to raid anymore.

Seriously, this is NOT the place for her. 

Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Gasmask on September 05, 2008, 04:22:18 AM
We need to rent out a new hall of shame to house this monstrosity.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Asmo on September 05, 2008, 04:54:35 AM
The chances of someone understanding raid encounters quickly is surely not very high when they have yet to master what a paragraph is.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Stent on September 05, 2008, 09:44:28 AM
I don't like being yelled at and being disrespected in front of the whole raid. Its hurtful and not right. I can understand if you make a mistake, but you don't need to make someone feel completely awful about it. There has been times where I cried during a raid and there is times where I didn't even want to show up to raid anymore.

GUYS CAN I TRIAL HER PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE i'll never ask for anything again i swear
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Tweader on September 05, 2008, 09:48:32 AM
Need to add more people to the list of people stent made cry.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Stent on September 05, 2008, 09:51:28 AM
Need to add more people to the list of people stent made cry.

srsly! it can be like my end of sunwell present, just make sure you record vent at all times, since you never know when the magic would happen
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Olldrac on September 05, 2008, 09:59:01 AM
Looks to me like a talker and all I can think of when I see all that chatter is this:

Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Hacks on September 06, 2008, 12:26:30 AM
I agree with stent.

We should get her to trial for a couple days just to hear her cry on vent.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Omnia on September 06, 2008, 10:28:47 AM
Wow... talk about a terrible way to recommend yourself.

She would be a lot happier in a more casual raiding environment, where people care about each other's moods, hair colors, and dating situations.  She uses a lot of "I"s and makes enormous paragraphs that she expects others to find an interesting read, both of which are not good indicators for how she works as a part of a team.  I'm also guessing she is the sort of person to take any form of criticism personally and get offended instead of making helpful conclusions.

Combined with what Vio said about this person not making any form of preliminary research about raiding guilds on Hyjal, this is one sad application.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Digo on September 06, 2008, 10:36:23 AM
please trial her. this is a news update in the making
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Basic on September 06, 2008, 11:09:47 AM
oh god, i think im gonna re-activate just to hear this girl cry
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Hrafnkel on September 06, 2008, 11:53:57 PM
$10 this person behind the avatar beats someone on the healing meters.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Omnia on September 07, 2008, 01:47:58 AM
Hall of Shame, go! 
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Burg on September 07, 2008, 02:15:59 PM
No......... it needs something more.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Videl on September 07, 2008, 03:41:26 PM
While I've watched this thread with amusement. I don't see myself getting into the mood to actually drag her to sunwell for potential entertainment value.

Is there some privacy dilemma with just moving this post in whole to the hall of shame?
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: aquasheep on September 07, 2008, 05:00:07 PM

Is there some privacy dilemma with just moving this post in whole to the hall of shame?

Moral dilemma, maybe, but honestly, girl like her probably has her full name, phone number, home address, etc plastered in places all over the internet.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Goldspam on September 07, 2008, 05:05:23 PM

Is there some privacy dilemma with just moving this post in whole to the hall of shame?

Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Omnia on September 07, 2008, 11:08:56 PM
Can she really be that naive to make such generalizations and conclusions?  I feel bad for her... but then again, she'll have to learn someday.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Deepz on September 07, 2008, 11:50:48 PM
I feel that this may have been overlooked by the general app reader:

What is your greatness weakness as a WoW player? How are you trying to improve this aspect of your play? I will be honest with you I do have a small learning disability and I do feel it affects my game play and you have no idea how frustrating it is and makes me. It affects everything in my real life too and makes it a lot more difficult for me.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Iyanna on September 07, 2008, 11:53:27 PM
ok, we totally have to let stent have a go at this one lol.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: thefalah on September 08, 2008, 07:25:27 PM
I'll make that cunt cry. Bring her over.
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Varesh on September 08, 2008, 09:31:44 PM
I'll make that cunt cry. Bring her over.

Fuck, a showing of "Bambi" would probably do that.

Varesh... out!

(Nah... I just can't pull it off.  Sorry, Stent.)
Title: Re: Skyflower - Resto Shaman
Post by: Videl on September 11, 2008, 11:48:53 PM
Her ER app -

Anywho, moved to the hall of shame.