Casual Guild Forums

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: emi on November 18, 2009, 03:31:01 PM

Post by: emi on November 18, 2009, 03:31:01 PM (

I'm not saying it's time to start rioting in the streets, breaking things, looting, and starting fires, but I'm not NOT saying it either.
Post by: Shamlarie on November 18, 2009, 05:54:14 PM
Time to scalp eggo's on ebay.
Post by: Branical on November 19, 2009, 12:51:21 AM
"I told my husband that maybe I need to put them on eBay."

Wow. If only there were a way to make a sort of.. batter that would allow us to make our own waffles at home.

Ok, I had to give into my urges and check eBay. (
Don't let the national shortage of Eggo waffles ruin your morning tradition. Do you want to disappoint your kids? Your spouse?  What are you going to say when they bounce down the stairs expecting the carbo-dense treat they've eaten every morning since they were 5?  

Be the hero!  While the rest of the world stares at a boring bowl of oatmeal, your family can mock the losers while stabbing a big pile of Eggo waffles drenched in syrup. Just be sure to close the blinds so the neighbors don't see.  

Two 10ox boxes of Kellogg Nutri-grain Eggo waffles. 10 waffles in each box.

20 waffles for the current bid of $49.99 you say? The winner (loser really) will be disappointed that it's against ebay's policy to ship food.
Post by: Lind on November 19, 2009, 03:20:16 AM
Muahaha lucky for me I have an Eggo plant not even 10 miles from my house.  West Coast should have no shortage of deliciousness.