Casual Guild Forums
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nordiah on February 04, 2010, 12:55:46 AM
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Your video sucks Keith Ledgers dead dick, fucking app
I didn't notice you were in Simple Math before today.
I used to analyze parses from their raids quite often because they had a Boomkin in that guild that would just fucking rape me in damage.
Did they stack casters for their raids or what? Zoomkin looks like an unstoppable force in the rankings for raiding moonkin or was he just tunnel visioning and not swapping for adds or related mechanics.
I think its the cluttered UI.
Fuck bitches get money. get shit on
I didn't notice you were in Simple Math before today.
I used to analyze parses from their raids quite often because they had a Boomkin in that guild that would just fucking rape me in damage.
Did they stack casters for their raids or what? Zoomkin looks like an unstoppable force in the rankings for raiding moonkin or was he just tunnel visioning and not swapping for adds or related mechanics.
No he was just a really good moonkin. He was a huge faggot though, so it balanced out.
I really like this app.
I didn't notice you were in Simple Math before today.
I used to analyze parses from their raids quite often because they had a Boomkin in that guild that would just fucking rape me in damage.
Did they stack casters for their raids or what? Zoomkin looks like an unstoppable force in the rankings for raiding moonkin or was he just tunnel visioning and not swapping for adds or related mechanics.
Actually I just remembered something. If you were looking at Thorim parses we exploited that encounter for like 2 months by having casters stand on top of the orbs so they could sit and dps without having to dodge blizzard.
Lord Marrowgar: (
effects :D
pretty sure I didn't understand a single lyric of that song. ???
Death Metal has its place, but man is it not in Warcraft movies. I hate all of you.
I hate all of you.
Hey that's my job
I hate all of you.
Hey that's my job
I thought that was Beepz's job? And Kennays job? And my job?
Sounds like we need some kind of club, we'll call it <Casual>