Casual Guild Forums

General Category => Applicant Forum => Applicant Hall of Shame => Topic started by: Tinner on April 16, 2008, 10:14:35 PM

Title: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: Tinner on April 16, 2008, 10:14:35 PM
Forum Account Name:tinner
RL Sex:dude
(Girls stop here.)
Summary of Talent Spec:combat swords DPS Avg:600-above
Amory Profile Link:
Playtime:6 to 7hrs a day 10-12hrs weekends
-We raid Sunday through Thursday from 6pm - 10pm (PST) how many days can you attend consistently?:all
Guild history on any server, include time in each guild (this will be verified):started in hate machine got some epics and then went to obisidian and got geared
Raid Experience: (What is the farthest you've been in WoW?):i have ran Kara alot ZA,gruuls,SSC. read up on others
MMORPG Game History:goood
Unbuffed resists (arcane/fire/frost/nature/shadow):10 arcane :}
- Are you attuned to the Black Temple or Hyjal?not yet
-If not, which steps do you still need?
-Heroic Keys?:all
Casual member references:"the cugar hunter {gadz} lol
-In other words, what Casual members do you know? Why would they recommend you?:devoit

-If you could fight any historical figure, who would it be and why?:ali just to get knocked out :P
-Are you willing to legally change your last name to "McDuck" in order to join Casual? depends
-Big Lebowski or Caddyshack? caddyshack
-If you could be any mythical creature, who would it be and why? beowolf hes a beast

Mandatory questions:
-With server transfers available, there are many, many choices of raid guilds available to you. Why Casual? i have looked at the other guilds and thought they were not for me and i think i can have fun with this one
-Name your top five favorite Songs:rap songs in my city {bay area}
-Name your top five favorite Movies:supper bad, anchorman, epic movie ,shooter, dodge ball
-What is your life like outside of WoW?like sports very active
-Name 3 WoW related sites and discuss how they are useful tools for bettering your raiding ability:thottbot, wowace, curse
-Do you have a microphone? If not, is it because you are cheap or shy?yes i have one
-Can your computer run Ventrilo? (Note: we are not changing our codecs to suit your Mac lifestyle.): yes
-Are you a keyboard turner?
-Are you a clicker?: yes
-What is your greatness weakness as a WoW player? How are you trying to improve this aspect of your play?: tryin to find out wat other bosses can do so i can learn o down all the boss
-What is your your greatest strength as a WoW player?: i love to play and have fun playin it

Choose 4 of the following (you will not be given extra points for answering more questions than the minimum):
-If you were to respec, which build would you choose? Why? sub daggers 1 hit some ppl
-If you had to join another guild on this server, which one would it be? Why? lethalaty
-What do you see as the current strengths of your particular class/spec in a raid setting? u can pvp like crazy
-What do you see as the current weaknesses of your particular class/spec in a raid setting? u can get hit hard
-How do you prepare for new raid content that you've never experienced? i read up on it and get the nessary stuff needed for it
-What is your least favorite part of high end guilds? missin out on runs but i dont realy care to have alot of guildies i like sharing gear

Choose 3 of the following:
-If you were an attention whore, what kind of attention whore would you be? i dont bring attention to my self unless needed
-If you could take the form of any water-related object, what would it be and why?
-In the event of a zombie invasion, where would you choose to take shelter and what is your weapon of choice to defend yourself? i would get the whole casual geal and kill the zombies lol
-If an ancient Sumerian deity was about to destroy the world, and you could choose the form they appeared as, what would you pick? a sumerian lol
-You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that? to use the shell as a sun blocker

Finally - Provide At least a WWS report of your performance in 2 BT/Hyjal raids(2 bosses is fine).


A few extra guidelines:

1. If you "know" a member of Casual, don't use them as a reference unless you BOTH have each other on your respective friends list. In other words, don't use someone as a reference if you've spoken to them once. Don't use them unless you have actually had multiple conversations and/or grouping experiences with them in game. If you're not sure, ask that person if they will be your reference.

2. Write something about yourself besides what is required by the template. Tell us about your job, your playstyle, a funny story, your favorite movies... SOMETHING that gives us an idea about your general level of intelligence and social aptitude.

3. If your gear or level of progression isn't quite up to par, you better have a really goddamn good reason and have demonstrated exceptional effort at doing the best you can with what's available. For instance, applying in shitty gear with terrible arena ratings makes you look like an idiot, whereas someone who applies with bad gear but has multiple 2k+ rated teams will probably be given the benefit of the doubt.

4. Know your class. Know the mechanics. We aren't looking for people that need their hand held or need shit explained to them. If you aren't a math geek, at least read forums where you can find this kind of information. Your gear should be socketed properly and your talent spec shouldn't have any "wtf" choices. One of the first things we look at is your talent spec.
Title: Re: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: aquasheep on April 16, 2008, 11:09:58 PM
Oh we have a winner right here.
Title: Re: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: Stent on April 17, 2008, 12:48:46 AM
scheduling for vent interview.
Title: Re: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: Madison on April 17, 2008, 12:50:39 AM
This made my night.
Title: Re: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: unit on April 17, 2008, 01:44:05 AM
Title: Re: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: Digo on April 17, 2008, 09:53:16 AM
waiting for the interview before i hall of shame this
Title: Re: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: Basic on April 17, 2008, 10:34:06 AM
record the vent interview imo ffs
Title: Re: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: Alyxea on April 18, 2008, 12:52:21 PM
This made sitting in McCarran airport looking at my plane alot more fun
Title: Re: Tinner Rogue app
Post by: Stent on April 20, 2008, 01:53:46 AM
vent interview scheduled for 7pm sunday. be there or be awesome.