Casual Guild Forums

General Category => Humor => Topic started by: Digo on May 09, 2008, 11:29:47 AM

Title: Digo's Crazy Unbelievable Shit of the Day Thread
Post by: Digo on May 09, 2008, 11:29:47 AM

Snake Handlers. Studied these guys in college. They are completely insane, not only for the fact that they willingly handle poisonous snakes, but drink poisoned water too. They cite scripture for it, which is the funny part, since other parts of scripture say DO NOT TEST GOD. (Matthew 4:7)

Incidentally, George Hensley, the founder of modern snake handling in the Appalachian Mountains, died from snakebite in 1955. Dumb ass.

FOCUS: Post your own unbelievable crazy shit in this thread so we can gawk at human stupidity and/or craziness.
Title: Re: Digo's Crazy Unbelievable Shit of the Day Thread
Post by: Gasmask on May 09, 2008, 12:56:52 PM
George Hensley, died from being from the Appalachian Mountains.

For content:
From the "What is the laziest thing you do/have done?" thread over at SA--
One time I took a dump while I was taking a shower and shoved it down the drain pipe with my heel. Then I found out that Adam Corolla did the same thing so I didn't feel too bad about after that
Title: Re: Digo's Crazy Unbelievable Shit of the Day Thread
Post by: Reamer on May 09, 2008, 03:46:19 PM
Go fuck yourself broski. Appalachian mountains are gangsta.
Title: Re: Digo's Crazy Unbelievable Shit of the Day Thread
Post by: aquasheep on May 12, 2008, 11:55:28 AM
For content:
From the "What is the laziest thing you do/have done?" thread over at SA--
One time I took a dump while I was taking a shower and shoved it down the drain pipe with my heel. Then I found out that Adam Corolla did the same thing so I didn't feel too bad about after that

Shower shitting appears to be quite common. I had a friend who found out his flatmate had been shitting in the shower by asking him why there was a potato masher in the shower. Yeah, he'd been mashing it through the plug with it.
Title: Re: Digo's Crazy Unbelievable Shit of the Day Thread
Post by: Digo on May 14, 2008, 01:18:58 PM
Gay Hanky Codes

Some gay men (particularly of the biker/leather persuasion) apparently wear different colored hankies to indicate their sexual preferences. Apparently, this makes it easier to find like-minded individuals. I thought about this for a while and wished that straight people could use them too, but then I realized they already do. For example, if you walk into a bar and a girl is drinking tequila, she wants to be fisted.
Title: Re: Digo's Crazy Unbelievable Shit of the Day Thread
Post by: Binks on May 14, 2008, 04:22:00 PM
See, if you actually participated in javachat, you'd know this by now.
Title: Re: Digo's Crazy Unbelievable Shit of the Day Thread
Post by: Oceansize on May 23, 2008, 07:58:51 AM

Snake Handlers. Studied these guys in college. They are completely insane, not only for the fact that they willingly handle poisonous snakes, but drink poisoned water too. They cite scripture for it, which is the funny part, since other parts of scripture say DO NOT TEST GOD. (Matthew 4:7)

Incidentally, George Hensley, the founder of modern snake handling in the Appalachian Mountains, died from snakebite in 1955. Dumb ass.

FOCUS: Post your own unbelievable crazy shit in this thread so we can gawk at human stupidity and/or craziness.

Snakes are venomous and from what I heard, drinking snake venom wont do anything to you. Just a fun fact  O0