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Messages - Drug

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General Discussion / Drug Back to Save the Day
« on: April 22, 2008, 06:33:35 PM »
Immunizations are safe, effective, and provide a wealth of benefits that outweigh any concerns.

Just to quickly address some of the points brought up in this thread:

1) Autism.  Many years ago mercury was a component in some vaccines (it no longer is).  Mercury was thought to lead to autism.  In fact, one tuna steak has more mercury in it than all the vaccinations given in Louisiana each day.  In addition, the definintion of autism has broadened into the 'autism spectrum disorders'.  Since the definition is so broad now, it is easy for curbside scientists to show correlation between almost anything and autism.  Remember, correlation does not equal caussation.

2) There is ALWAYS a slim chance that any inoculation/treatment/food/stepping outside/driving a car can cause damage.  Vaccinations are proven to be safe.  That being said, it is hard to argue with a mother who suspects here child is the "one in a million"

3) The "Well I didn't get vaccinated and I'm fine" is based on the theory of herd immunity.  If you have 1000 people, and you vaccinate 990 of them, the odds that the 10 un vaccinated people will get disease is slim to none, primarily due to the fact that the vast majority cannot function as carriers or vectors.  The scary thing is this:  What happens when people stop taking vaccines?  Herd immunity breaks down, and we are stuck with an outbreak the likes of the 1918 flu epidemic (read about it).

Get your kids vaccines, talk to your pediatricians, and always ask questions.  I commend you and your wife for taking an objective look at the issue, but bottom line, I always advocate for vaccinations in my office.

Oh and btw, its actually not a big money maker for the physicians, it costs way more to store the vaccine properly than we are reimbursed by the insurance companies for giving them to patients.


Btw grats on guild accomplishments

Dwarfmafia Agent

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