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Author Topic: <Kasual> Application Template  (Read 3861 times)
Buttfart Rapedick
Posts: 1100


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« on: September 21, 2010, 01:33:01 AM »

If you are interested in joining, please PM your app to Shamlarie, or e-mail it to casualapps@gmail.com with the following information. If you e-mail your application you MUST host the pictures of your UI and DPS and then give us the links.

Save your work in notepad or some other document software.  Your forum session WILL time out before you finish filling this out and you'll lose it.  It also wouldn't kill you to spell check it before you sent it.

Personal questions:
•Forum Account Name:
•RL Sex:
•Character’s Name:
•Primary Raiding Talent Spec:
•Amory Profile Link:
•Time zone:
•Availability - If you are not able to make 100% attendance, we require you to post your absence on the forums.  Raid times are Mon-Thurs 6pm - 10pm PST, are you consistently able to attend?:
•Guild history (include all servers, and time spent in each guild; this will be verified):
•Raid Experience (In detail, what have you accomplished in Vanilla, tBC, WotLK?):
•MMO History (What other MMORPG experience do you have?):
•References (Do you know anyone in Kasual who would recommend you as a member?):

Important Information:
•Are you the original owner of your main character's account?
•Do you have Ventrilo?
•Do you have a microphone and will talk in Vent if needed? (Our ventrilo codecs are not compatible with macs, will this be a problem?)
•Are you easily offended by off color jokes, foul language, and childish bathroom humor? (This is a big one, you will hear it a lot)
•Are you a clicker?
•Are you a keyboard turner?
•What type of connection do you have? Is it stable?
•Please visit the following websites and run the tests using the PHOENIX SERVERS.  Post your results here.
http://www.speedtest.net/  http://www.pingtest.net/

Random questions
•Big Lebowski or Caddyshack?
•Which bear is best?
•Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, or Christian Bale?
•The Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi?
•Are you a God?
•If you were having sex, and your parter died, would you finish?
•Name your top five favorite songs:
•Name your top five favorite movies:

Play style/raiding questions:
•With server transfers, there are many raid guilds available to apply to. Why <Kasual> ?
•Do you have a secondary spec?
•Is it geared enough that if we were to ask you to change mid-raid to help, can you?
•What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness as a WoW player?
•What do you see as the current strengths and weaknesses of your particular class/spec in a raid setting?
•What is your least favorite part of high end guilds?
•   Please include a picture of your UI (preferably in raid combat). If you hide any important mods and/or key binds let us know.  THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL.

Personality questions (please answer THREE of the following questions):
•What is the worst thing you have ever done related to sex?
•If an ancient Sumerian deity was about to destroy the world, and you could choose the form they appeared as, what would you pick?
•You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?
•You're standing on the edge of your toilet hanging a clock when you slip and hit your head on the sink. When you regain consciousness you draw something, what is it and what does it do?


•Please provide a WWS/WMO/WOL report of your performance in at least 2 raids. This is especially important for DPS classes. Tanks should also mention what their TPS is like. If you don't have any reports, don't sweat it, just give any indicator of performance that you have. It's your $25 on the line, so it's probably in your best interest to not overly embellish your numbers.

•Here in <Kasual> we are not only interested in your raid performance but also on your personality. Please explain what kind of person you are, what your hobbies are, where you work, etc. We want to know exactly what makes you, you.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 01:22:20 PM by Shamlarie » Logged

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