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Author Topic: APPLICATION HALL OF SHAME  (Read 6173 times)
Posts: 1

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« on: March 05, 2008, 05:46:44 PM »

Forum Account Name: Cleo
Name: Yasch is my RL name, pronounced Yosh, German for Jake - Don't ask, i think my parents were high.
Char name - Cheetahirl


RL Sex:Male

Summary of Talent Spec: Resto/pvp build with feral charge.
Amory Profile Link:http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Greymane&n=Cheetahirl

Timezone: East

Playtime: Most days afterschool, but I usually leave around 4 pm server to do homework etc. Fridays I usually get on around 10ish pm server, though sometimes not at all. I play all weekends when I'm not with friends.

-We raid Sunday through Thursday from 6pm - 10pm (PST) how many days can you attend consistently?: None

Guild history on any server, include time in each guild (this will be verified): I sort of forget, originally this was my friend's char over a year ago, when he transfered from a pvp realm to play on korialstrasz with me. I forget the name of the guild we were in on korialstrasz, but when we transfered to greymane together, and he quit, i started playing his druid and joined Last Stand.

Raid Experience: The furthest I have been is vashj/kael, though this on my rogue which I will not be transferring.

MMORPG Game History:D2 then WoW

Unbuffed resists (arcane/fire/frost/nature/shadow): N/A

- Are you attuned to the Black Temple or Hyjal? No

-If not, which steps do you still need? Vials/Hyjal

-Heroic Keys?: All

-In other words, what Casual members do you know? Why would they recommend you?:
I don't know any at this time.

-If you could fight any historical figure, who would it be and why?

-Are you willing to legally change your last name to "McDuck" in order to join Casual?
Yasch McDuck does have a ring to it..

-Big Lebowski or Caddyshack? Big Lebowski

-If you could be any mythical creature, who would it be and why? Druid cause they just rape.

Mandatory questions:
-With server transfers available, there are many, many choices of raid guilds available to you. Why Casual?
I want to come back to Whirlwind and I remember hyjal being one of the best realms on the battlegroup. Also, Casual is supposed to be a pretty pvp-focus'd guild which is what im interested in.

-Name your top five favorite Songs: Too many, can't narrow it down.

-Name your top five favorite Movies: Dodgeball, Anchorman, Gladiator, Saw 1, 300

-What is your life like outside of WoW? Friends, Girls, Weed, Movies, school.. to a lesser extent.

-Name 3 WoW related sites and discuss how they are useful tools for bettering your raiding ability:wowhead, elitistjerks, and the wow forums.

-Do you have a microphone? If not, is it because you are cheap or shy? I do
-Can your computer run Ventrilo? (Note: we are not changing our codecs to suit your Mac lifestyle.) Yea
-Are you a keyboard turner? NOU
-Are you a clicker? nine
-What is your greatness weakness as a WoW player? How are you trying to improve this aspect of your play? yelling at people for doing stupid shit in arenas
-What is your your greatest strength as a WoW player? I understand almost all classes in pvp, as I have played 6 of them, and know how to adapt to what they do in arenas etc.

Choose 4 of the following (you will not be given extra points for answering more questions than the minimum):
-If you were to respec, which build would you choose? Why? 24/0/37, because it looks like a fun build to try out for more mana regen/being more offensive in pvp.

-How do you prepare for new raid content that you've never experienced? As a pvper, the only real raid encounter i can think of is an sl/sl lock, so i would make friends with the monster and try to get it to 2v2 with me.

-What is your least favorite part of high end guilds? The amount that you have to raid.

Choose 3 of the following:

-If you could take the form of any water-related object, what would it be and why? a lake because theres just so many hilarious things you could do as one,

-If an ancient Sumerian deity was about to destroy the world, and you could choose the form they appeared as, what would you pick? Jessica Alba, if the world was about to end i wouldn't get in trouble for rape.

-You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?
Im tripping out on shrooms and I think im making bacon.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 05:52:17 PM by Digo » Logged
Daddy Digo
Global Moderator
Posts: 1007

broken shell of a man

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« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 05:51:43 PM »

It's a pity you are too stupid to follow instructions because now we have to make fun of you where everyone can read it.

Forum Account Name: Cleo
Name: Yasch is my RL name, pronounced Yosh, German for Jake - Don't ask, i think my parents were high.
Char name - Cheetahirl


RL Sex:Male

Summary of Talent Spec: Resto/pvp build with feral charge.
Amory Profile Link:http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Greymane&n=Cheetahirl

Timezone: East

Playtime: Most days afterschool, but I usually leave around 4 pm server to do homework etc. Fridays I usually get on around 10ish pm server, though sometimes not at all. I play all weekends when I'm not with friends.

-We raid Sunday through Thursday from 6pm - 10pm (PST) how many days can you attend consistently?: None

Guild history on any server, include time in each guild (this will be verified): I sort of forget, originally this was my friend's char over a year ago, when he transfered from a pvp realm to play on korialstrasz with me. I forget the name of the guild we were in on korialstrasz, but when we transfered to greymane together, and he quit, i started playing his druid and joined Last Stand.

Raid Experience: The furthest I have been is vashj/kael, though this on my rogue which I will not be transferring.

MMORPG Game History:D2 then WoW

Unbuffed resists (arcane/fire/frost/nature/shadow): N/A

- Are you attuned to the Black Temple or Hyjal? No

-If not, which steps do you still need? Vials/Hyjal

-Heroic Keys?: All

-In other words, what Casual members do you know? Why would they recommend you?:
I don't know any at this time.

-If you could fight any historical figure, who would it be and why?

-Are you willing to legally change your last name to "McDuck" in order to join Casual?
Yasch McDuck does have a ring to it..

-Big Lebowski or Caddyshack? Big Lebowski

-If you could be any mythical creature, who would it be and why? Druid cause they just rape.

Mandatory questions:
-With server transfers available, there are many, many choices of raid guilds available to you. Why Casual?
I want to come back to Whirlwind and I remember hyjal being one of the best realms on the battlegroup. Also, Casual is supposed to be a pretty pvp-focus'd guild which is what im interested in.

-Name your top five favorite Songs: Too many, can't narrow it down.

-Name your top five favorite Movies: Dodgeball, Anchorman, Gladiator, Saw 1, 300

-What is your life like outside of WoW? Friends, Girls, Weed, Movies, school.. to a lesser extent.

-Name 3 WoW related sites and discuss how they are useful tools for bettering your raiding ability:wowhead, elitistjerks, and the wow forums.

-Do you have a microphone? If not, is it because you are cheap or shy? I do
-Can your computer run Ventrilo? (Note: we are not changing our codecs to suit your Mac lifestyle.) Yea
-Are you a keyboard turner? NOU
-Are you a clicker? nine
-What is your greatness weakness as a WoW player? How are you trying to improve this aspect of your play? yelling at people for doing stupid shit in arenas
-What is your your greatest strength as a WoW player? I understand almost all classes in pvp, as I have played 6 of them, and know how to adapt to what they do in arenas etc.

Choose 4 of the following (you will not be given extra points for answering more questions than the minimum):
-If you were to respec, which build would you choose? Why? 24/0/37, because it looks like a fun build to try out for more mana regen/being more offensive in pvp.

-How do you prepare for new raid content that you've never experienced? As a pvper, the only real raid encounter i can think of is an sl/sl lock, so i would make friends with the monster and try to get it to 2v2 with me.

-What is your least favorite part of high end guilds? The amount that you have to raid.

Choose 3 of the following:

-If you could take the form of any water-related object, what would it be and why? a lake because theres just so many hilarious things you could do as one,

-If an ancient Sumerian deity was about to destroy the world, and you could choose the form they appeared as, what would you pick? Jessica Alba, if the world was about to end i wouldn't get in trouble for rape.

-You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?
Im tripping out on shrooms and I think im making bacon.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 05:53:33 PM by Digo » Logged
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