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Author Topic: Equimity lv 70 druid application  (Read 6267 times)
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« on: May 18, 2008, 12:43:27 PM »

Name: Equimity (RL name is Travis)

Class:I play a level 70 Night Elf Druid

RL Sex:I am a Male

(Girls stop here.)

Summary of Talent Spec:Currently for PVP i play a 8/11/42 or a 11/11/39 for raids seeing as how none of the other tress have shit for raiding resto in them i usually throw 60 into resto and 1 in natures grasp

Amory Profile Link:http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Lightbringer&n=Equimity
(note: when i typed this up it showed my character inactive for some reason)

Timezone:Central (Texas YEEHAWW)

Playtime:I am usually on every night and on and off during the weekends

-We raid Sunday through Thursday from 6pm - 10pm (PST) how many days can you attend consistently?:Right now I have 2 weeks left of school so things are kind of hectic at the moment with finals and play offs and shit like that. With the summer coming up i will be able to make at minimum 80% of raids(80% due to vacations and stuff like that)

Guild history on any server, include time in each guild (this will be verified):I have been playing since summer of 2005 so i have alot on my chain so ill go ahead and list it.
-First raiding guild was VANQUISH, they moved servers and i did not want to follow (all of MC with them)
-Pals For Life, I actually signed the charter for this guild then went inactive for a while, came back and they were kicking ass and all spots were filled
Devine Vigilance, raided all of BWL with them, then one night the friend i sat next to in Biology was like "hey, you should come to my shitty server and raid in my shitty guild" (not exact words but you get the point. Anyway i had given him all my info like a week before since he was a cool guy and i knew he wouldn't fuck me over (......)  Wake up one day and BOOM im on lightbringer in Inner Sanctum.
After getting transfered i talked to one of my friends who hacked accounts and got me a full t1 rogue(decent at the time, guilds were just getting into AQ 40). I joined a guild called The Turks (now one of the best guilds on Sargeras) who was just getting started and did everything with them. Was there for all the first kills in BWL/AQ. Ater 6 months with them blizzard finally took action and the guy got his account back in the middle of me going for High Warlord (sucked throwing 2 months into a guy then getting fucked over, Hum, i get fucked over alot :( 

After getting hacked (well not really buy you understand) I had nothing else to play except my Druid.
Some gay guilds that really arnt even worth talking about
Sadistic minds, by this time my friend had moved up and joined a respectable guild. I joined as a friends and family and did kara and alt gruul/Mag with them

SAGA, this is where i did most of my progression. Hyjal prolly did not hear about (i hope) but Sadistic minds split and alot of the officers formed saga. I was offered a full time raiding spot in Saga so of course i went over there. With saga i progressed through TK/SSC and that is the guild i killed vashj with. Some bullshit went down and pretty much all of my fridns in the guild left and i said fuck it.
After that i decieded to try out pvp (first time seriously since my rogue) I picked up some friends and got to 1700 before i relized they sucked. I kept moving up and up slowly and then i met Dawt. Me and Dawt got up to 2150 before he went all QQ. In fact i have some quotes for you which i couldent help but laugh at
Dawt- Dont cyclone that fucking warrior
Me- Ok
Dawt- Why is that warrior not being cyclones, hes all over my ass
Me- you told me not to

Adrenaline, this is my current guild. It was designed to be a guild where you had to be 2K+ to join so we could ellinate the FUCKING IDIOT factor. Didn't quite work seeing as how there are few people over 2k on lightbringer and if they are they are currently in top guilds. Right now we have some pretty good players but people dont log on and when they do they want to arena and Pve PvP spec

Raid Experience: (What is the farthest you've been in WoW?) Every Boss up to C'thun in AQ (with turks) in BC i have done everything including first boss of hyjal and BT, nothing past that. (note:i have not killed kael)
MMORPG Game History:WoW was my first MMO

Unbuffed resists (arcane/fire/frost/nature/shadow): Right now i do not believe i any resist. My current guild is stocking up hearts of darness for mother but i doubt we will see her any time soon

- Are you attuned to the Black Temple or Hyjal?Yes

-If not, which steps do you still need?

-Heroic Keys?:I have all of my heroic keys

Casual member references: Well, i dont know them but they kicked my ass in the arena 7 times in a row (a mage/rogue vs me and my warrior friend im doing some casual (haha) arena with.

-In other words, what Casual members do you know? Why would they recommend you?:

-If you could fight any historical figure, who would it be and why?thats a tough one. If i had to choose one it would be Santa Anna because he has a gay name and he though he was the shit. And dumass Sam Houston didnt kill him(Texas History)

-Are you willing to legally change your last name to "McDuck" in order to join Casual?No

-Big Lebowski or Caddyshack?Caddyshack (i love golf)

-If you could be any mythical creature, who would it be and why?It would have to be pegasus (dont know if i spelled it right but the horse from herculies) I just think it would be really fucking cool to be a flying horse.

Mandatory questions:
-With server transfers available, there are many, many choices of raid guilds available to you. Why Casual?I have never truely found the perfect guild for my play style. I saw that many of your members pvp which is a big turn on for me. Also after reading the requirements i fell more in love with casual. Keyboard turners are fucking terrible and the no girls rule gets rid of the bears that may attack (if you saw anchorman, you should laugh). Lastly i miss raiding. It used to be my big thrill in WoW. It just feels great when everyone works together and downs a boss for the first time. Really what im saying is that i want to be in a serious raiding guild with no bullshit and also maintain my like for PvP. I wouldent say that im huge into PvP though. Im not really really into it and screaming on vent over one mistake. Mistakes happen but if people can keep it to a minimum then its cool.
-Name your top five favorite Songs:Top 5, this is the hardest question so far.
1-Rockstar by nickleback
2-Bleed it out linkin park
3-What you know, TI
4-Lollipop, lil wayne
5-Hustlin, Rick Ross

-Name your top five favorite Movies:
1-Pirates of the Carribean
5-No country for old men

-What is your life like outside of WoW? I play baseball for my highschool and i party alot. In school I make fun of people who are different than me and sit with the "Jocks" i guess is what the losers would call us. Currently we are a top 5-a team in Texas and are still in the playoffs. If im not on Wow at night then im usually out with friends or at a party somewhere. And even when im on WoW ill have my laptop next to me on facebook. But when it comes to raiding i get serious, laptop goes to itunes FUCK YA song list and im ready to raid. Cell Phone goes off (if they want to talk to me then thats to fucking bad.

-Name 3 WoW related sites and discuss how they are useful tools for bettering your raiding ability:
Curse-main source for all my addons. I use few addons but i have to list 3 sites
MMO champion-keeps me up to date on what is coming when and how i can ajust to those changes
Arena Junkies-Keeps me updated on the PVP side of things

-Do you have a microphone? If not, is it because you are cheap or shy?I have a Mic

-Can your computer run Ventrilo? (Note: we are not changing our codecs to suit your Mac lifestyle.)Only my laptop is mac, my PC is well a PC

-Are you a keyboard turner?hell no

-Are you a clicker?After reading another post on this topic i am a semi-clicker. all of my spells in raids i use keys for but i click to target (doint really know another way)

-What is your greatness weakness as a WoW player? How are you trying to improve this aspect of your play?My weakness is burning mana to fast. Since im used to being the only healer (2vs2, 3vs2) sometimes i see someone lose health and i go PVP mode. 3 blooms and a rejuju which is way to much. I am trying to get out of pvp state and into trusting my fellow healers to back me up.

-What is your your greatest strength as a WoW player?My situational Awareness. I don't die to fucking stupid things. If i die in a raid its because A. Extremely unlucky or B. Someone runs to me when there on fire and i die.

Choose 4 of the following (you will not be given extra points for answering more questions than the minimum):
-If you were to respec, which build would you choose? Why?I would Choose balance. I have never raided as a caster. I have been melee before (rogue) and a healer. i think it would be fun to try something new and learn a new aspect of the game
-If you had to join another guild on this server, which one would it be? Why?

-What do you see as the current strengths of your particular class/spec in a raid setting?

-What do you see as the current weaknesses of your particular class/spec in a raid setting?I believe that druids are raid healers. our cast heals waste ALOT of mana and we dont have anything like FoL or lesser healing wave. Seeing as how alot of the new content there is alot of AoE instead of tank/spank i find it also a good thing seeing as how the cast healers can stay on tanks and we can quickly get a raid up

-How do you prepare for new raid content that you've never experienced?Videos, i watch a ton of them and try to put myself in the fight. Also i come to the max buffed to get as much as i can out of my gear.

-What is your least favorite part of high end guilds? The fact that you are expected to be great at everything. People see you in T6 and are like they must be really good and never make mistakes and when you do they think dam, he sucks even though hes kicking my ass in damage and heals

Choose 3 of the following:
-If you were an attention whore, what kind of attention whore would you be?

-If you could take the form of any water-related object, what would it be and why? Killer Whale, I dont like seals

-In the event of a zombie invasion, where would you choose to take shelter and what is your weapon of choice to defend yourself? Shelter of choice would be a water tower. you take bring them down and there hard to climb. My weapon would be a replica of a stormhearld so i could knock there head off and throw them away from my tower.

-If an ancient Sumerian deity was about to destroy the world, and you could choose the form they appeared as, what would you pick?

-You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?Someones gotta die for A.leaving me or B. Placing me in the desert

Finally - Provide At least a WWS report of your performance in 2 BT/Hyjal raids(2 bosses is fine).
for some reason we dont use WWS so i cannot supply that. Also i have not progressed 2 bosses into MH or BT

I did my best to fix all of my spelling mistakes but right now my eyes are about to bleed due to me staring into this little box for about an hour filling out this app
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« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2008, 01:16:59 PM »

blah blah blah

How can people read through the entire application template, and fail so badly at following directions?

1-Rockstar by nickleback

You have horrible taste and are a horrible person. DENYDENYDENYDENY
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« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2008, 01:27:59 PM »

Well, Thank you for your time and good luck in the future
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« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2008, 02:47:26 PM »

[Epic Fail]

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« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2008, 05:41:12 PM »

I didn't even read the application, I just noticed that you didn't follow the directions and posted this instead of PMing it to the recruitment officer.

Jump off a cliff.

Affliction Warlock
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« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2008, 08:09:38 PM »

Hey fuckhole, i dont do recruitment anymore so dont send me your app in a pm.
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« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2008, 08:23:46 PM »

right now my eyes are about to bleed due to me staring into this little box for about an hour filling out this app

fucking fail.

Live and LET DIE is my theme song.
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« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2008, 07:22:47 AM »

there.. are no words..

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