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Author Topic: Selling BT Gear  (Read 8169 times)
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« on: August 22, 2008, 01:43:33 PM »

We have decided to stop selling gear.  I apologize to those of you who never got a chance to come along on a run.

I also want to add that if you are 1st or 2nd on the list for a T6 piece you have a very good chance of getting in for that boss.  If you are 3rd or further down the list, it will depend solely on who logs on for the run.  If you are far down on the wait list I don't want you to have to wait around all night to not get in.

The Rules.
Submit your grocery list and any questions to Gadz via a private message on these forums.  Yes, that means you have to create an account.  Please make sure to include the name of your character and their class.

We will bring in up to five buyers per boss.  If your item drops we collect the gold and master loot the item to you.  If your item does not drop you will not be charged anything.  The queue for each item will be based on when I receive the request.  However, for your mother's phone number/pics I may be able to bump you up to the front of the line.

We are currently only selling BT items.  Depending on the success of these BT runs, we could potentially expand into other instance.  We cherish our real lives filled of ruining marriages and impregnating our girlfriends.  The less we have to raid the better.  Don't get your hopes up too high for a T6 helm.

Our Expectations 
We expect that you will be able to participate in the fight.  We don't care if you do less damage then Desideria or have 100% overheal from spamming holy light on yourself, but we do care if you wipe us.  That means being able to handle ghosts, position yourself correctly when needed, and have at least watched an Illidan kill on your new iphone a few times.

We intend to do the runs on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm.  They could potentially roll over into Monday night.  We ask that you try to be on at 6:00 even if you do not want loot off the first few bosses.

The Loot List.
We are now offering a bulk rate on items.  If you purchase three or more items you will receive a 25% discount on each item.  Due to the fact that I trust you about as much as that transvestite with the great lips and fake tits, you will receive your discount for your first two items when you purchase your third.  Got it? Good.

We will not be selling every item.  Fuck trash drops (for now).  Prices and availability are subject to change.   I will post your name next to each item when I receive your request.

High Warlord Naj'entus    
[item]Halberd of Desolation[/item] 3k  Articfox,  zbone
[item]Rising Tide[/item] 3k
[item]The Maelstrom's Fury[/item] 3k  Beldandy
[item]Slippers of the Seacaller[/item] 2k  Beldandy
[item]Guise of the Tidal Lurker[/item] 2k
[item]Mantle of Darkness[/item] 2k
[item]Boots of Oceanic Fury[/item] 2k
[item]Fists of Mukoa[/item] 2k 
[item]Helm of Soothing Currents[/item] 2k
[item]Eternium Shell Bracers[/item] 2k
[item]Pearl Inlaid Boots[/item] 2k
[item]Tide-stomper's Greaves[/item] 2k  Glacius
[item]Ring of Calming Waves[/item] 2k
[item]Ring of Captured Storms[/item] 2k  Beldandy,  Tryane

[item]Felstone Bulwark[/item] 2.5k
[item]Legionkiller[/item] 2.5k
[item]Syphon of the Nathrezim[/item] 3k
[item]The Brutalizer[/item] 3k  Challanger,  Lotsofpeople, Azaloth, Glacius
[item]Waistwrap of Infinity[/item] 2k
[item]Nether Shadow Tunic[/item] 3k
[item]Bands of the Coming Storm[/item] 2k
[item]Naturalist's Preserving Cinch[/item] 2k 
[item]Wraps of Precise Flight[/item] 2k
[item]Pauldrons of Abyssal Fury[/item] 2k
[item]Band of the Abyssal Lord[/item] 2k
[item]Choker of Endless Nightmares[/item]  NO SALE
[item]Idol of the White Stag[/item] 2k

Shade of Akama       
[item]Amice of Brilliant Light[/item] 2k
[item]Focused Mana Bindings[/item] 2k
[item]Wristbands of Divine Influence[/item] 2k
[item]Kilt of Immortal Nature[/item] 2k
[item]Shadow-walker's Cord[/item] 2k
[item]Flashfire Girdle[/item] 2k
[item]Shoulders of the Hidden Predator[/item] 2k  zbone,  Bhooka
[item]Spiritwalker Gauntlets[/item] 2k 
[item]Grips of Silent Justice[/item] 2k
[item]Myrmidon's Treads[/item] 2k   Talktothe,  Challanger,  Lotsofpeople, Azaloth 
[item]Praetorian's Legguards[/item] 2k 
[item]The Seeker's Wristguards[/item] 2k  Glacius
[item]Blind-Seers Icon[/item] 2k
[item]Ring of Deceitful Intent[/item] 2k  Shammies (rrawr)

Teron Gorefiend    

[item]Rifle of the Stoic Guardian[/item] 2.5k
[item]Soul Cleaver[/item] 3k
[item]Twisted Blades of Zarak[/item] 2k
[item]Cowl of Benevolence[/item] 2k  angelove
[item]Robe of the Shadow Council[/item] 2k
[item]Botanist's Gloves of Growth[/item] 2k
[item]Insidious Bands[/item] 2k  Anniandre
[item]Softstep Boots of Tracking[/item] 2k
[item]Gauntlets of Enforcement[/item] 2k  Challanger,  Lotsofpeople, Azaloth 
[item]Girdle of Lordaeron's Fallen[/item] 2k
[item]Shadowmoon Destroyer's Drape[/item] NO SALE
[item]Totem of Ancestral Guidance[/item] 2k

Gurtogg Bloodboil    
[item]Messenger of Fate[/item] 3k
[item]Staff of Immaculate Recovery[/item] 3k  Drfoxy (Articfox)
[item]Wand of Prismatic Focus[/item] 2k Beldandy
[item]Blood-cursed Shoulderpads[/item] 2k 
[item]Garments of Temperance[/item] 2k
[item]Belt of Primal Majesty[/item] 2k
[item]Vest of Mounting Assault[/item] 2k
[item]Girdle of Mighty Resolve[/item] 2k  Glacius
[item]Girdle of Stability[/item] 2k
[item]Leggings of Divine Retribution[/item] 2k
[item]Shroud of Forgiveness[/item]  NO SALE
[item]Shadowmoon Insignia[/item] 3k Glacius
[item]Unstoppable Aggressor's Ring[/item] 2k 

Reliquary of Souls    
[item]Naaru-Blessed Life Rod[/item] 2k
[item]Torch of the Damned[/item] 3k  Kazhadoom
[item]Gloves of Unfailing Faith[/item] 2k
[item]Elunite Empowered Bracers[/item] 2k
[item]Grips of Damnation[/item] 2k
[item]Boneweave Girdle[/item] 2k
[item]The Wavemender's Mantle[/item] 2k
[item]Crown of Empowered Fate[/item] 2k 
[item]Dreadboots of the Legion[/item] 2k  Kazhadoom
[item]Pendant of Titans[/item] 2.5k  Glacius
[item]Touch of Inspiration[/item] 2k
[item]Translucent Spellthread Necklace[/item] 2.5k Beldandy, Tryane

Mother Shahraz    

[item]Blade of Savagery[/item] 3k  Kelte
[item]Leggings of Devastation[/item] 2k 
[item]Shadowmaster's Boots[/item] 2k  Shockforce
[item]Heartshatter Breastplate[/item] 2k
[item]Nadina's Pendant of Purity[/item] 2k
[item]Tome of the Lightbringer[/item] 2k 

Tier 6 Shoulders Tokens:
[item]Pauldrons of the Forgotten Conqueror[/item] 3k   Lenalia, Bowchicka, Glacius, Tryane
[item]Pauldrons of the Forgotten Protector[/item] 3k  Rrawr,  Lotsofpeople, Challanger, Talktothe, Azaloth, Kazhadoom, Warbrand, leathalspoon
[item]Pauldrons of the Forgotten Vanquisher[/item] 3k    Nevermore

Illidari Council       
[item]Belt of Divine Guidance[/item] 3k
[item]Veil of Turning Leaves[/item] 3k
[item]Forest Prowler's Helm[/item] 3k  TAVO (Flifand),  Bhooka
[item]Helm of the Illidari Shatterer[/item] 3k
[item]Cloak of the Illidari Council[/item] 3k  Beldandy,  Tryane
[item]Madness of the Betrayer[/item] NO SALE
Tier 6 Leggings Tokens:
[item]Leggings of the Forgotten Conqueror[/item] 3k   Dragonking's lock, Bowchicka, Glacius, Tryane
[item]Leggings of the Forgotten Protector[/item] 3k    Talktothe, TAVO (Flifand), Kazhadoom
[item]Leggings of the Forgotten Vanquisher[/item] 3k   Littlekid

Illidan Stormrage    

[item]Warglaive of Azzinoth[/item]  NO SALE
[item]Black Bow of the Betrayer[/item] 3k  Rrawr, Spikedragon,  zbone, Bhooka, leathalspoon
[item]Bulwark of Azzinoth[/item] 3k  Ocharleso, Challanger, Talktothe,  Greilzz,  Azaloth, Glacius
[item]Crystal Spire of Karabor[/item]  NO SALE
[item]Shard of Azzinoth[/item] 3k 
[item]Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer[/item]  NO SALE
[item]Cowl of the Illidari High Lord[/item]  NO SALE
[item]Cursed Vision of Sargeras[/item]  NO SALE
[item]Faceplate of the Impenetrable[/item] 3k   Challanger, Talktothe,  Greilzz, Azaloth 
[item]Shroud of the Highborne[/item] 3k
[item]Memento of Tyrande[/item]  NO SALE
[item]Stormrage Signet Ring[/item] 3k  Anniandre, Kazhadoom
[item]The Skull of Gul'dan[/item]  NO SALE

Tier 6 Chest Tokens:
[item]Chestguard of the Forgotten Conqueror[/item] 3k    Dragonking's loc, Flashes, Bowchicka, Glacius, Tryane
[item]Chestguard of the Forgotten Protector[/item] 3k  Arrivederci,  Challanger,  Talktothe,  Greilzz, Kazhadoom
[item]Chestguard of the Forgotten Vanquisher[/item] 3k   Rawrimreptar, Nevermore

« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 08:11:33 AM by Gadz » Logged
Hungry Wizard
Posts: 1525


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« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 01:11:17 AM »

I see.
Posts: 720

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« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 10:42:56 AM »

if thats what you'd like to buy you can get 25% off each piece i hear
Hungry Wizard
Posts: 2083

pride and prejudice and zombies

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« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2008, 10:48:11 AM »


‹aquashee› e equals mass times deez nuts, biatch
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« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2008, 07:39:43 PM »

No worries, I cleaned it up.
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« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2008, 10:01:01 AM »

Do you by chance sell Hyjal loot? Im very interested in getting my T6 helm and maybe some odds and ends out of hyjal?

If so please pst Mzzprïss in game.     Mzzpr (alt+139) ss
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« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2008, 10:12:14 AM »

Do you by chance sell Hyjal loot? Im very interested in getting my T6 helm and maybe some odds and ends out of hyjal?

If so please pst Mzzprïss in game.     Mzzpr (alt+139) ss

We are currently only selling BT loot.
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« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2008, 06:10:54 PM »

Where do we send mom pics to?
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« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2008, 09:43:20 PM »

Where do we send mom pics to?

You have to post them here.
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« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2008, 03:27:51 AM »

I know someone already asked about hyjal loot but i think he was refering to the helm. Im interested in 2 pieces from BT and the gloves from hyjal. i can hold my own weight and know the first 3 boss fights in hyjal. Curious if there is any chance at that. On top of it im a mage so i can AOE :P
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Hungry Wizard
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« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2008, 07:57:23 AM »

Mages don't have Seed of Corruption.
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« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2008, 11:23:18 AM »

i didnt say i had the best aoe. just saying id be more helpfull on trash pulls then a single target class
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« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2008, 11:57:12 AM »

please sign me up for the next run too, damn nothing dropped on my list, but good news i saved more lol......

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« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2008, 11:51:56 PM »

i'll buy all 3 pieces of tier 6 for lock.. i tryed sendin a message dont think it worked tho
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« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2008, 01:25:15 AM »

is that really your name?
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