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Author Topic: Taij's Books  (Read 6059 times)

« on: January 09, 2010, 10:57:42 PM »

I.   Alvarez, Julia – Befote We Were Free
II.   Angelou, Maya – I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
III.   Asimov, Isaac – La Formacion de Francia
IV.   Beckett, Samuel – Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unamable X
V.   Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo – Rimas y Leyendas
VI.   Bosch, Juan – Mas Cuentos Escritos en el Exilio X
VII.   Bradbury, Ray – Farenheit 451
VIII.   Bronte, Anne – La inquilina de Wildfell Hall
IX.   Bronte, Charlotte – Jane Eyre
X.   Bronte, Charlotte – Vilette X
XI.   Bronte, Emily – Wuthering Heights
XII.   Brown, Dan – The DaVinci Code
XIII.   Burnett, F.H. – The Secret Garden X
XIV.   Camus, Albert – The Stranger
XV.   Carroll, Lewis – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland X
XVI.   Case, John – Codigo Genesis
XVII.   Calvino, Italo – If on a winter;s night a traveler
XVIII.   Carlyle, Thomas – The French Revolution
XIX.   Calderon, Pedro de la Barca – La Vida es Sueno X
XX.   Cervantes, Miguel De – La Gitanilla
XXI.   Cervantes, Miguel De – Don Quijote de la Mancha
XXII.   Chopin, Kate – The Awakening X
XXIII.   Christie, Agatha – Asesinato en el Orient Express X
XXIV.   Christie, Agatha – Body in the Library, The
XXV.   Christie, Agatha – Cards on the Table
XXVI.   Christie, Agatha – Clocks, The
XXVII.   Christie, Agatha – Evil Under the Sun
XXVIII.   Christie, Agatha – El tren de las 4:50 X
XXIX.   Christie, Agatha – Hallo’ween Party X
XXX.   Christie, Agatha – Hollow, The
XXXI.   Christie, Agatha – Los Trabajos de Hercules
XXXII.   Christie, Agatha -  Muerte en el Caribe X
XXXIII.   Christie, Agatha – Muerte en el Nilo X
XXXIV.   Christie, Agatha – Muerte en la Vicaria X
XXXV.   Christie, Agatha – Murder is Easy
XXXVI.   Christie, Agatha – Murder on the links, The
XXXVII.   Christie, Agatha – Mysterious Mr. Quin, The
XXXVIII.   Christie, Agatha - Nemesis
XXXIX.   Christie, Agatha – Sad Cypress
XL.   Christie, Agatha – They Came to Baghdad X
XLI.   Christie, Agatha – Three Act Tragedy
XLII.   Christie, Agatha – Three blind mice & other stories

« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2010, 10:58:34 PM »

XLIII.   Collins, Wilkie – The Moonstone
XLIV.   Conrad, Joseph – Herat of Darkness X
XLV.   Conrad, Joseph – Lord Jim
XLVI.   Conrad, Joseph – The Secret Agent
XLVII.   Cooper, James Feniimore – The Last of the Mohicans
XLVIII.   Coronado, Dinorah – A la Sombra del Flamboyan X
XLIX.   Cortazar, Julio – Todos los Fuegos el Fuego
L.   Defoe, Daniel – Robinson Crusoe
LI.   Dickens, Charles – A Christmas Carol
LII.   Dickens, Charles – A Tale of Two Cities
LIII.   Dickens, Charles – David Copperfield
LIV.   Dickens, Charles – Hard Times
LV.   Dickens, Charles – Great Expectations
LVI.   Dostoievski, Fedor – Los Hermanos Karamazov ( Volumen 1 )
LVII.   Dostoievski, Fedor – Los Hermanos Karamazov ( Volumen 2 )
LVIII.   Dostoevsky, Fyodor – The Idiot
LIX.   Doyle, Arthur Conan – The Hounds of the Baskerville
LX.   Doyle, Adrian Conan – Major tales of Sherlock Holmes
LXI.   Dumas, Alejandro – El Conde de Montecristo (Tomo 1)
LXII.   Dumas, Alejandro – El Conde de Montecirsto (Tomo 2)
LXIII.   Dumas, Alejandro – El Vizconde de Bragelonne (Tomo 1)
LXIV.   Dumas, Alejandro – El Vizconde de Bragelonne (Tomo 2)
LXV.   Dumas, Alejandro – Los Tres Mosqueteros
LXVI.   Eliot, George - Middemarch
LXVII.   Esopo, Iriarte, Samaniego – Fabulas X
LXVIII.   Faulker, William – The Sound and the Fury
LXIX.   Fitzgerald, F. Scott – The Great Gatsby
LXX.   Follet, Ken – Los Pilares de la Tierra
LXXI.   Follet, Ken – Un Mundo sin Fin
LXXII.   Forsyth, Frederick – The Phantom of Maniatan
LXXIII.   Fugald, Arthur – Master Harold and the Boys
LXXIV.   Funke, Cornelia – Dragon Rider X
LXXV.   Funke, Cornelia – The Theif Lord X
LXXVI.   Galloway, Steven – Cellist of Sarajevo, The
LXXVII.   Galvan, Manuel de Jesús - Enriquillo
LXXVIII.   Garcia, Federico Lorca – Bodas de Sangre
LXXIX.   Garcia, Federico Lorca – Yerma
LXXX.   George, Jean Craighead – Julie of the Wolves
LXXXI.   Goethe, Johann Wolfgang – Las Penas del Joven Wether
LXXXII.   Gorey, Edward – Gashlycrumb Tinies, The X

« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2010, 10:59:17 PM »

LXXXIII.   Gogol, Nikolai – Dead Souls
LXXXIV.   Goleen, Arthur – Memoirs of a Geisha
LXXXV.   Golding, William – Lord of the Flies X
LXXXVI.   Hansberry, Lorraine – A Raisin in the Sun X
LXXXVII.   Hardy, Thomas – Far from the Madding Crowd
LXXXVIII.   Harris, Thomas – Red Dragon
LXXXIX.   Hawthorne, Nathaniel – House of Seven Gables, The
XC.   Hawthorne, Nathaniel – Marble Faun, The
XCI.   Hawthorne, Nathaniel – Marble Faun, The (Edition 1888)
XCII.   Hawthorne, Nathaniel – Scarlett Letter, The
XCIII.   Hemingway, Ernest – Farewell to Arms
XCIV.   Hemingway, Ernest – For Whom the Bells Toll
XCV.   Hemingway, Ernest – Nick Adams Stories, The X
XCVI.   Hernandez, Miguel – Poemas
XCVII.   Hesse, Hermann – Siddhartha X
XCVIII.   Hugh, Dafydd Ab – Doom
XCIX.   Hugo, Victor – The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
C.   Huxley, Aldous – Eyeless in Gaza
CI.   Ibsen, Henrik – Casa de Munecas X
CII.   James, Hnery – Bostonias, The
CIII.   James, Henry – Portrait of a Lady, The
CIV.   James, Henry – Turn of the Screw, The; The Aspern Papers
CV.   Joyce, James – Ulysses
CVI.   Kafka, Franz – Complete Stories, The
CVII.   Keyes, Daniel – Flowers for Algernon X
CVIII.   Kim, Jong Il – El Socialismo es Ciencia
CIX.   Kim, Jong Il – Problemas esenciales de la construccion del Partido Revolucionario
CX.   Kim, Zong Il – Por el Triunfo de la Causa Revolucionario del Zuche
CXI.   Kingsley, Charles – Westward Ho!
CXII.   Kishiro, Yukito – Alita
CXIII.   Koontz, Dean – Hideaway
CXIV.   Lamblin, Pierre – Misterio de las Pinturas Robadas

« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2010, 11:00:01 PM »

CXV.   Lee, Harper – To Kill a Mockingbird X
CXVI.   Leonowen, Anna – The English Governess and the Siamese Court X
CXVII.   Lewis, C.S. – Chronicles of Narnia, The ( Book 1) X
CXVIII.   Lewis, C.S. – Chronicles of Narnia, The ( Book 2) X
CXIX.   Lewis, C.S. – Chronicles of Narnia, The ( Book 3) X
CXX.   Lewis, C.S. – Chronicles of Narnia, The ( Book 4) X
CXXI.   Lewis, C.S. – Chronicles of Narnia, The ( Book 5) X
CXXII.   Lewis, C.S. – Chronicles of Narnia, The ( Book 6) X
CXXIII.   Lewis, C.S. – Chronicles of Narnia, The ( Book 7) X
CXXIV.   Lewis, Sinclair – Ann Vickers X
CXXV.   Lopez, Feliz de Vega – Fuente Ovejuna X
CXXVI.   MacMahon, Robert – The Cold War
CXXVII.   Malouf, David – An Imaginary Life
CXXVIII.   MacMillan, Margaret – Paris 1919
CXXIX.   Martin, George R.R. – A Game of Thrones (Book 1)
CXXX.   Martin, George R.R. – A Game of Thrones (Book 2)
CXXXI.   Martin, George R.R. – A Game of Thrones (Book 3)
CXXXII.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 1)
CXXXIII.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 2)
CXXXIV.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 3)
CXXXV.   Miller, Arthur – Death of a Salesman, The
CXXXVI.   Mitchell, Margaret – Lo que el Viento se Llevo
CXXXVII.   Moers, Walter – Alchemaster’s Apprentice, The
CXXXVIII.   Moers, Walter – 13 ½ lives of Captain Bluebear
CXXXIX.   Moers, Walter – City of Dreaming Books, The X
CXL.   Moers, Walter – Rumo & His miraculous Adventures
CXLI.   Moers, Walter – Wild Ride through the Night, A
CXLII.   Moliere, Jean – Tartufo, El Avaro, El Misántropo
CXLIII.   Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita
CXLIV.   Nabokov, Vladimir – Pale Fire
CXLV.   Neruda, Pablo – Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada.
CXLVI.   Nix, Garth – Abhorsen
CXLVII.   Nix, Garth – Lirael
CXLVIII.   Nix, Garth - Sabriel
CXLIX.   O’Brien, Tim – Things they Carried, The X
CL.   Pierece, Tamora – Alanna : The First Adventure
CLI.   Platon – La Republica
CLII.   Poe, Edgar Allan – Complete Poems
CLIII.   Poe, Edgar Allan – Major Tales and Poems
CLIV.   Proust, Marcel – Jean Santeuil
CLV.   Proust, Marcel – In Search of Lost Time ( Tome 1) X
CLVI.   Proust, Marcel – En Busca del Tiempo Perdida ( Tomo 1) X
CLVII.   Proust, Marcel – En Busca del Tiempo Perdida ( Tomo 2)
CLVIII.   Proust, Marcel – En Busca del Tiempo Perdida ( Tomo 3)
CLIX.   Proust, Marcel – En Busca del Tiempo Perdida ( Tomo 4)
CLX.   Proust, Marcel – En Busca del Tiempo Perdida ( Tomo 5)
CLXI.   Proust, Marcel – En Busca del Tiempo Perdida ( Tomo 6)
CLXII.   Proust, Marcel – En Busca del Tiempo Perdida ( Tomo 7)

« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2010, 11:00:42 PM »

CLXIII.   Raynd, Ayn – Atlas Shrugged
CLXIV.   Reeder, Carolyn – Shades of Gray
CLXV.   Rodríguez, Rene Soriano – Betun Melancolia
CLXVI.   Roth, Arthur – Iceberg Hermit, The
CLXVII.   Rowling, J.K. – Harry Potter (Book 1)
CLXVIII.   Rowling, J.K. – Harry Potter (Book 2)
CLXIX.   Rowling, J.K. – Harry Potter (Book 3)
CLXX.   Rowling, J.K. – Harry Potter (Book 4)
CLXXI.   Rowling, J.K. – Harry Potter (Book 5)
CLXXII.   Rowling, J.K. – Harry Potter (Book 6)
CLXXIII.   Rowling, J.K. – Harry Potter (Book 7)
CLXXIV.   Salter, James -  A Sport and a Pastime X
CLXXV.   Salvatore, R.A. - Immortalis
CLXXVI.   Saint-Exupery, Antoine De – El Principito X
CLXXVII.   Sand, George, Devil’s Pool, The
CLXXVIII.   Sand, George – Leone Leoni X
CLXXIX.   Saramago, Jose - Blindness
CLXXX.   Scott, Michael – The Alchemyst X
CLXXXI.   Scott, Michael – The Malician X
CLXXXII.   Sebald, W.G. – Rings of Saturn, The
CLXXXIII.   Sedaris, David – Holidays on Ice X
CLXXXIV.   Selznick, Brian – Invention of Hugo Cabret, The
CLXXXV.   Senger, Peter – La Quinta Disciplina
CLXXXVI.   Shakespeare, William – El Rey Lear
CLXXXVII.   Shakespeare, William - Hamlet
CLXXXVIII.   Shakespeare, William – Macbeth
CLXXXIX.   Shakespeare, William – Sueno de una Noche de Verano
CXC.   Shelley, Mary – Frankesteine X
CXCI.   Smith, Wilbur – El Septimo Papiro
CXCII.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 1) X
CXCIII.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 2) X
CXCIV.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 3) X
CXCV.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 4) X
CXCVI.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 5) X
CXCVII.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 6) X
CXCVIII.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 7) X
CXCIX.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 8) X
CC.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 9) X
CCI.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 9)
CCII.   Snickett, Lemony – A Series of Unfortunate Events ( Book 10)
CCIII.   Stendhal, Marie-Henrie – Red and the Black, The
CCIV.   Stevenson, Robert – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories
CCV.   Stewart, Trenton Lee – The Mysterious Benedict Society
CCVI.   Stewart, Trenton Lee- The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey
CCVII.   Stewart, Trenton Lee – The Mysterious Benedict Society and The Prisoner’s Dilemma
CCVIII.   Stoker, Bram – Drácula
CCIX.   Stine, R.L. – I Live in your Basement
CCX.   Soyinka, Wole – Lion and the Jewel, The
CCXI.   Swift, Jonathan – Gulliver’s Travels
CCXII.   Taylor, Mildred D. – Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
CCXIII.   Tolkien, J.R.R. – Hobbit, The
CCXIV.   Tolkien, J.R.R. – The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring
CCXV.   Tolkien, J.R.R. – The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers
CCXVI.   Tolkien, J.R.R. – The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Kinas
CCXVII.   Tolkien, J.R.R. – Unfinished Tales
CCXVIII.   Tolstoy, Leo – Anna Karenina X
CCXIX.   Tolstoy, Leon – La Muerte de Ivan Ilich
CCXX.   Tolstoy, Leo – War and Peace
CCXXI.   Tse-Tung, Mao – Quoatations from Chairman Mao

« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2010, 11:02:17 PM »

CCXXII.   Twain, Mark – Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The
CCXXIII.   Verne, Jules – 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea X
CCXXIV.   Verne, Jules – Around the World in Eighty Days X
CCXXV.   Verne, Jules – Journey to the Centre of the Herat, The X
CCXXVI.   Verne, Jules – Mysterious Island, The X
CCXXVII.   Voltaire – Candide X
CCXXVIII.   Walker, Alice – Color Purple, The
CCXXIX.   Wells, H.G. – War of the Worlds, The
CCXXX.   Wells, H.G. – War in the Air, The
CCXXXI.   Wells, H.G. – History of Mr. Polly, The
CCXXXII.   Wells, H.G. – Wheels of Chance, The
CCXXXIII.   Wharton, Edith – Age of Innocence
CCXXXIV.   Wharton, Edith – House of Mirth, The X
CCXXXV.   White, E.B. – Charlotte’s Web X
CCXXXVI.   Wilde, Oscar – Picture of Dorian Grey, The X
CCXXXVII.   Wilson, Eric – El Desenmascarado de Ksan
CCXXXVIII.   WoodWard, Sandy – One Hundred Days
CCXXXIX.   Woolf, Virginia – Waves, The
CCXL.   Woolf, Virginia – Un Cuarto Propio
CCXLI.   Woolf, Virginia – Orlando
CCXLII.   Woolf, Virginia – Las Olas
CCXLIII.   Woolf, Virginia – Mrs. Dalloway X
CCXLIV.   Woolf, Virginia – Jacob’s Room X
CCXLV.   Woolf, Virginia – Jacob’s Room X
CCXLVI.   Woolf, Virginia – Flush, Una Biografia
CCXLVII.   Woolf, Virginia – Between the Acts
CCXLVIII.   Woolf, Virginia – Al Faro X
CCXLIX.   Zola, Emile – A Bonheur des Dammes
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« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2010, 11:37:43 PM »

CXXIX.   Martin, George R.R. – A Game of Thrones (Book 1)
CXXX.   Martin, George R.R. – A Game of Thrones (Book 2)
CXXXI.   Martin, George R.R. – A Game of Thrones (Book 3)

These are actually:

Martin, George R.R. - A Game of Thrones (Book 1)
Martin, George R.R. - A Clash of Kings (Book 2)
Martin, George R.R. - A Storm of Swords (Book 3)
Martin, George R.R. - A Feast for Crows (Book 4)
Martin, George R.R. - A Dance with Dragons (Book 5) *Unreleased

I'm midway through A Storm of Swords and the whole series is goddamn amazing. I can't recommend it highly enough.

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« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2010, 12:49:46 AM »

Song of Fire and Ice series is amazing. I read the first three during high school and unfortunately I forgot everything that happened by the time he got a fourth book out so I haven't kept up to date, but yeah. Best thing is (avoiding spoilers) dude has absolutely no remorse when it comes to killing off characters. The third book is jaw-dropping.
Hungry Wizard
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« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2010, 03:44:46 AM »

all the right authors, but you're missing some of the best books.

also, taij likes agatha christie a little too much info

‹aquashee› e equals mass times deez nuts, biatch
Hungry Wizard
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« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2010, 11:18:39 AM »

Needs some Chuck Palahniuk imo
Posts: 1047

8 year olds, dude.

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« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2010, 02:10:48 PM »

Needs some Chuck Palahniuk imo

He has the same birthday as me.

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« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2010, 09:46:27 PM »

A bunch of authors

CXXXII.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 1)
CXXXIII.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 2)
CXXXIV.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 3)

A bunch of authors

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things doesn't belong.
Posts: 857

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« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2010, 01:28:26 AM »

only 1 salvatore story, and you don't have the similar ones that he edited, I'll post the names if you want

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Hungry Wizard
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« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2010, 03:07:16 AM »

The Highwayman by R.A. Salvatore is one of his better books and isn't D&D related.

« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2010, 09:49:02 AM »

A bunch of authors

CXXXII.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 1)
CXXXIII.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 2)
CXXXIV.   Meyer, Stephenie – Twilight (Book 3)

A bunch of authors

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things doesn't belong.

Yeah I know, story time

So I bought the third book in paris in one of these bookstores, so I read the backflap sumamry and it was like "A murder in the streets of new york, and a vampire on the loose" or something similar. So i WAS LIKE AMG MURDER/MYSTERY + Science fiction w/e book, sounds good. AnywaysI get to my place and look it up in amazon and it ends up being some trashy teen girl book about vegetarian vampires and shit.
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