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Author Topic: Warrior dps Application, Transfer upon Success  (Read 5763 times)
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« on: February 23, 2010, 12:43:55 AM »

•Forum Account Name: Bizze
•Name: Steven
•RL Sex: Male
•Character’s Name: Bizze
•Class: Warrior
•Primary Raiding Talent Spec: Fury
•Amory Profile Link: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Nagrand&cn=Bizze
•Time zone: Australia Eastern Standerd Time
•Availability (Raid times are Sun-Thurs 6pm - 10pm PST, are you consistently able to attend?): Yes i am
•Guild history (include all servers, and time spent in each guild; this will be verified): Nagrand, and ive been in 2 guilds, one a lvling and social guild and the guild im in atm im just a Friend rank and reason im not raiding with them cause i can't make there raid times and there full on Meele dps.
•Raid Experience (What have you accomplished in Vanilla, tBC, WotLK): i only started playing WoW 3 years ago wen BC came out so i never raided the 40 man raids and BC exp i got is Kara, MAgs lair, gruuls lair, Black Temple and Mount Hyjal
•MMO History (What other MMORPG experience do you have?): Well i havent played any other mmo except for WoW so yeah.
•References (Do you know anyone in Casual who would recommend you as a member?): Nope

Important Information:
•Are you the original owner of your main character's account? Yes
•Do you have Ventrilo? Yes
•Do you have a microphone and will talk in Vent if needed? (Our ventrilo codecs are not compatible with macs, will this be a problem?) Yes i will talk if needed and no i dont have mac
•Are you a clicker? Nope
•Are you a keyboard turner? Nope
•What type of connection do you have? Is it stable? My Connection is very good and with Optus Broadband and its stable

Random questions
•Big Lebowski or Caddyshack? Big Legowski
•Cake or pie? Cats or turtles? Ninjas or Pirates? Why? a Pirate cause there cool :D
•What is the best lie you’ve ever told and why? Havent really told a good lie and if i did lie id get caught lol
•If you were god, how would you create the perfect world? Give Every1 money to keep them quiet so they dont complain
•Name your top five favorite songs: Bone thugs n harmony Wildin, Mr Bill Collector, D.O.A REmix, Thug mentality and NWA- Straight outta Compton
•Name your top five favorite movies:  Star wars , harry potter, Me Myself and irene, Ace ventura 1&2 and the New Star Trek Movie.

Play style/raiding questions:
•With server transfers, there are many raid guilds available to apply to. Why <Casual> ? Because this is the only USA guild i know lol
•With the implementation of dual spec in 3.1, what have you chosen as your secondary spec? As protection so i can tank heriocs and get in Groups quicker if i need the badges and plus to get my frost badge quicker instead of waiting 10-20 mins everyday for a herioc as dps
•What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness as a WoW player? My Greatest Strength as a WoW player is my raid awareness for pve and pvp and weakness is nothing really
•What do you see as the current strengths and weaknesses of your particular class/spec in a raid setting? my strength of my class is my dps because warriors a pure-dps class they can get big numbers and weaknesses is that we dont have that much dots and carnt do anything if we aitn in meele range.
•What is your least favorite part of high end guilds? People that just know too much of the game because thats just not normal.
•   Please include a picture of your UI (preferably in raid combat). If you hide any important mods and/or key binds let us know.http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/6711/wowscrnshot022310184105.jpg my Keybindings are R for Pummel and u can see its on 6 too and im just to llazy moving my fingers all the way to 6 when i can press R :), and Execute Keybindings is T and also is also on 7 cause im too lazy and the addons u carnt see are Power auras class, i use it because to see my slam proc, grid but u can see the mini icon on top and yeah thats all the addons i use.

Personality questions (please answer THREE of the following questions):
•What is the worst thing you have ever done related to sex? n/a
•In the event of a zombie apocalypse, where would you choose to take shelter and what is your weapon of choice to defend yourself? id take him to a park and i would have a shotgun to defend myself.
•If an ancient Sumerian deity was about to destroy the world, and you could choose the form they appeared as, what would you pick? a Snake
•You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that? Because i would eat it lol
•Say you were trapped in a Chinese prison cell located on the 3rd floor with a black man, a dildo, a picture of the Virgin Mary, a whip and your trusty sombrero. How would you go about escaping? Stick the dildo up the black mans ass and whip him and also make him look at the picture of a virgin mary while whiping hhim and sticking the dildo up his ass and make him wear the Sombrero till he the officer gives me the key.


•Please provide a WWS/WMO/WOL report of your performance in at least 2 raids. This is especially important for DPS classes. Tanks should also mention what their TPS is like. If you don't have any reports, don't sweat it, just give any indicator of performance that you have. It's your $25 on the line, so it's probably in your best interest to not overly embellish your numbers. Well my max dps i done in past 2 raids has been 6-7k dps and sorry if i dont have a WWS/WMO/WOL report of my performance because i dont know how to do it.

•Here in <Casual> we are not only interested in your raid performance but also on your personality. Please explain what kind of person you are, what your hobbies are, where you work, etc. We want to know exactly what makes you, you. Well i play Rugby League and one day would like to be a Professional Rugby League playeer because i love playing Rugby, im a nice , friendly person that only gets angry if someone teases my family for no reason or doing it just to shit stir me and yeah thats all.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 01:07:34 AM by Bizze » Logged
DKP buyer
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« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2010, 01:07:53 AM »

It looks like you were also too lazy to read the instructions. Good job mate.
Posts: 569

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« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2010, 07:55:44 AM »

instead of letters lets see how high we can count this time!

1) you are retarded
2) you fail at reading comprehension
3) you itemize like a retard. also nice blue quality gems and inferior enchants. grats on not being expertise capped, and also not being soft capped for arp even though you have an ArP trinket.
4) way to pick talents that are useless and make it so you have ZERO raid utility
5) using spell check is difficult (no seriously, that shit is so fucking complicated)
6) you forgot to mention that you have trisomy 21 as your weakness
7) not knowing how to use WoL further proves the severity of your disorder
8) warriors are not a pure DPS class
9) I hope your family is sent to a gulag to be punished for allowing you to exist for as long as you have.
10) hopefully they wil be raped every day in addition to the forced labor
What is your least favorite part of high end guilds? People that just know too much of the game because thats just not normal.
so not being a window licking retard isn't normal? fuck.
12)where is your shield wall macro?
13) why do you not have sunders on your bars and key bound?
14) why the fuck would you apply to a top 50 US guild with raiding experience as atrocious as yours
15) you would take who to a park in the event of a zombie apocolypse?
16) tell your fellow rugby players to not hit you so hard in the future, since you have already lost too many brain cells
17) if this is the only guild in the US you know then you are one of the most unobservant retards I have ever been exposed to
18) nagrand is a US server... how the fuck did you find us if you can't figure out that there are other guilds on your server that happen to be from the US?
19) 6-7k DPS as a fury warrior is horrendously terrible these days what the fuck.
20) I have a feeling your raid for pve and pvp is about as terrible as every other type of awareness there is, but since you don't have anything that resembles situational awareness in the first place, then obviously your raid awareness in pve and pvp is better than it.
21) were your parents rugby players?
22) if yes to 21, did they use you as a rugby ball when you were a baby?
23) if no to 21 or 22, are you sure?
24) how the fuck have you not even killed MARROWGAR on 25 man?
25) why the fuck did you even consider applying to this guild?
26) you killed anub'arak NORMAL MODE on 25 man only 4 days ago? how is that even possible?
27) if If you can correctly discuss the concept of using rend as fury, and also how using bloodsurge procs affects a fury warriors DPS and rotation (mak sure to use the word pushback at least once), there is a chance that I might willingly acknowledge you as a human being.
28) normally I would just say I hope you get raped, but I wouldn't want anyone to have to be traumatized or even worse, become infected with your retardation, so I will just say that I hope you never reproduce.
and I'm spent. brace for more later though
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 08:18:58 AM by Thebadme » Logged

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« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 08:20:07 AM »

i wanna know who he takes to the park too

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« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2010, 09:43:02 AM »

"im a nice , friendly person that only gets angry if someone teases my family for no reason or doing it just to shit stir me and yeah thats all."

i'm sure you'll fit in just nicely here.

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« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2010, 10:53:49 AM »

He is 10-12 years old, there is no doubt in my mind.
Hungry Wizard
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« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2010, 11:00:24 AM »

He is 10-12 years old, there is no doubt in my mind.

Shouldn't you be in bed mr. sickypants?
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