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« on: July 20, 2010, 07:20:46 PM »

Forum Account Name:  Moxer123
Name: Mason
RL Sex: Male
Character's name: Contrivance Jaedenar US
Class: Paladin
Primary Raiding Talent Spec: Retribution
Amory Profile Link: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Jaedenar&cn=Contrivance
Time Zone: Eastern (EST)
Raid time  Availability: Monday - Thursday Raid times.
Guild history: Rèhab Current guild 2 weeks. Damage Control (Horde Jaedenar US) 1.5-2 Months. Previous guilds have been deleted.
Raid Experience: Pre-BC All raids except BWL, AQ 40 & Onyxia. BC All except Hyjal. (Dates may be wrong on achievement, account was hacked and toon was deleted so I recovered changing the achievement dates from previously achieving them.) WoTLK Naxx excluding 4 horsemen, Ulduar Excluding Iron Council, Thorim & Yogg. Onynxia, ToGC 10, OS 3D 10, ICC 10 Sindragosa, ICC25 6/12.
MMO History: WoW, Endless Online.
References: No.

Are you the original owner of your main character's account? Yes.
Vent: Yes
Microphone: Not at the moment, broke on a trip to Montreal, Will get one if accepted. I will talk in vent if needed, I don't play on a Mac.
Offensive Jokes: No, where I work offensive jokes are the highlights of the day.
Keyboard turner: No.
Mouse clicker: No.
What type of connection do you have? Is it stable? Yes the best in all of Canada.
Vent Connection to Seattle :

Big Lebowski or Caddyshack? Caddyshack
Which bear is the best? According to a TV show I watch "The office" Jim says a Black bear. Lol
Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, or Christian Bale? Clooney hands down.
The Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi? Return of the Jedi.
Are you God? If you want me to be, Then Sure I'm God.
Name your top five favorite songs: Numb - Linkin Park, Boy named Sue - Johnny Cash, Hurt - Johnny Cash, Kill You - Eminem, Tom Sawyer - Rush.
Name your top five favorite movies: The Hangover, Step Brothers, Dodge ball, Napoleon Dynamite & 40 year old virgin.

With server transfers, there are many raid guilds available to apply to. Why <Casual> ? I seen you on the forum and read "Recruiting Retribution Paladin" So I looked farther into the post and liked the time schedules and the jokes and humor, as well as being laid back but still raiders.

With the implementation of dual spec in 3.1, what have you chosen as your secondary spec? It switches from my OS Protection or my PvP Retribution Spec.

What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness as a WoW player? My greatest strength would probably be how I can click into a group, fit in with people and focus on raids. My weakness would probably be my job, I'm a mover and I finish at different times each night, But I will try to push to be ready for 9PM (EST).

What is your least favorite part of high end guilds? Being pushed to progress 24/7 I like progression, everyone does, But I'm looking for a friendly progressing guild that's raid schedule isn't Monday-Sunday 9am-9pm RAID!

 Please include a picture of your UI: Servers are down till tomorrow night so I'm going to list off my raiding add ons until I can take a SS of my UI, DBM, Omen, Grid, Decursive, Pally Power, TitanPanel, Spartan UI, Bartender4, Mik's scroll bar, Recount, Satrina's Buff watcher, quartz, CLC Ret, SnowFall KeyPress.

What is the worst thing you have ever done related to sex? Got a hand job at the movie theatre.

In the event of a zombie apocalypse, where would you choose to take shelter and what is your weapon of choice to defend yourself? I would shelter in a 7/11 and my weapons would be a chainsaw and a M21 Sniper Rifle.

If an ancient Sumerian deity was about to destroy the world, and you could choose the form they appeared as, what would you pick? Either really hot girls or bunnies with dicks for ears, need a good laugh before you die.

You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that? I'm going to laugh at the little fucker and wait for it too cook so I can eat it.

You're standing on the edge of your toilet hanging a clock when you slip and hit your head on the sink. When you regain consciousness you draw something, what is it? I draw a picture of a women. - what does it do? Cook me food and gives head.

Please provide a WWS/WMO/WOL report of your performance in at least 2 raids. This is especially important for DPS classes. Tanks should also mention what their TPS is like. If you don't have any reports, don't sweat it, just give any indicator of performance that you have. It's your $25 on the line, so it's probably in your best interest to not overly embellish your numbers.  On trash I pull around 14k-15k Average, On bosses I'm usually 8k+ on average 10 man, on LK 10 man I pull 10-14k dps.

Here in <Casual> we are not only interested in your raid performance but also on your personality. Please explain what kind of person you are, what your hobbies are, where you work, etc. We want to know exactly what makes you, you.
Man where to start, I'm 17, born and raised in Canada, I work as a mover, got a GirlFriend, I drive a pickup truck, listen to alot of music but prefer country, been playing wow since vanilla, I workout, still in school but I get kicked out of class alot for racist jokes. I can be humorous most of the time, not serious when it comes to joking and stuff like that. I'm a regular guy pretty much, drink beer, watch UFC, smoke some green and yea..
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 03:06:25 PM by Viodia » Logged
Posts: 335

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« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 07:34:48 PM »

PM your app to Viodia


« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2010, 07:37:38 PM »

My Mistake forgot that step. Sorry mate, Sent it :)
Buttfart Rapedick
Posts: 1100


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« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 07:43:22 PM »

The best application.


« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 07:45:30 PM »

Thanks man, instead of half assing it I wanted to give it some though and I got nothing to do tonight because my servers down so I put an hour and a half into it. Lol more then I do for homework.
Posts: 569

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« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2010, 07:48:26 PM »



« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2010, 07:51:09 PM »

Not that much, When your interested in something like applying or raiding you tend to not look at the time till the final result and go "Oh hey"
Buttfart Rapedick
Posts: 1100


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« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2010, 07:55:51 PM »

Applying to good guilds is serious business, its good to see you put your heart and soul into it.


« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2010, 08:02:26 PM »

Ah cool Viodia has the mini diablo, panda cub and zergling like me :D I wonder if they do any emotes together
Posts: 335

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« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2010, 08:03:52 PM »

this is the worst application ive seen.


« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2010, 08:06:35 PM »

Its not my fault man my dog spell checked it and read it over, he barked and I thought that was a yes its fine bark....fuck me ><
Posts: 569

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« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2010, 08:09:05 PM »


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